I Am A Fugitive From A Lame Ga

AV Club
AVClub, you are great at telling news. I love the way you tell news so much. You are like Spalding Gray and Walter Conkite and Bill Hicks and I just love you loads and loads.

Oh Yeah!
I saw The King; Reach! Great performances from Colin Firm and Geoffrey Thrust, and that cameo from Helena Bone 'Em Carter was a treat. Timothy Balls and Guy Pierced also turned in great work.


Sorry, Some Fucking Guy, I was adjusting for inflation.

Bad Babaysitter
Anyone remember that song Bad Babysitter? "I'm a bad babbysitter/ Got my boyfriend in the shower/ Oo, I'm makin' nine bucks an hour?" That song? Remember it? It precipitated 9/11 I think. Any way, that's a song they should make a movie out of. Over to you, Kevin Smith.

uh ih
I can't stream it outside US! Can someone transcribe the whole King thing for me please? kthxbi

Oh I See
If you have a name like Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All then it's just charming…

I saw Explosions in the Sky open for The Dave Clark Five in Ann Arbor in 1934. Iggy and I then went round to John Lennon's place and smoked up with Tupac and Duke Ellington,. After that Jarvis Cocker came round with the latest Minutemen tape and sold Kevin Sheilds a Velvet Underground acetate.

Hold up
A seven-year bid for a botched robbery? That's an auction I'd like to hear… "I have six years ten months, six years ten months do I hear - SEVEN! Seven… going once, going twice… sold! A botched robbery to the man in the hairtie for seven years!"

All that was missing from Thirteen Days was Mickey Rourke and a Dr Pepper promotion.

Nick Cave
If Nick Cave's nose grew whenever he told a lie ("and I'm afraid I told a lie…") it would spear birdies. Because he has a cute ski-jump nose, you see.

He is not a member of OTC, he's just on a couple of tracks and has appeared on stage with them.

Eponymous, there's no 'should have won' about it. Justin Bieber and Eminem 'should have won'. The award means nothing except increased sales. Arcade Fire, a band I have loved for years, will be tricked into seeing this as some sort of validation, when in reality the whole kit and kaboodle's rotten to the core.

Arcade Fire
Arcade Fire, The Suburbs is your worst album, thus you win the world's most corrupt and meaningless award.. What happened? And what happened to Kings of Leon? Really guys, get it together. We don't need another U2.


I would pay good money to see James Chance and the Contortions. That's what I would do with a hit tub time machine.

Oh right, sorry. Should explain. Geoff Magnum is the singer in The Arcade Fires.

With reunited NMH covering that Tom Waits song? * SPLAT *

I cannot believe this. Imagine if he recorded again? AND a new Radiohead album this weekend… I am unironically just spurting baby goo over all over this news. I can't get to see him, or the OTC or any of that other great stuff, but I hope he makes it down my way some time. I have nothing but love for this guy.

Oh What
A GAme Of Shadows? But I just finished Turning off the Dark!