I Am A Fugitive From A Lame Ga

Easy A
Easy A is not a good film. Emma Stone is not a great actress. Bert V Royal is not that smart. Dog Sees God is not a fantastic play. Fuck, come on guys, there is so much good about America, and you celebrate him??

Goodnight Sweet Prince
In the land of the bland, the wan-eyed man is king.

Hey Arcade Fire
Way to win the world's most corrupt award - http://www.slate.com/id/228… - for your worst album This win means nothing and the album means even less. .

Yes Gene Kelly IS cool. As a straight man I can say that I love seeing that strong man pump his thighs. He is so built! That is what i can't get past. Mofo is SOLID. He could snap Donald O'Connor in half if he wanted, while he was spinning Debbie Reynolds.

This movie looks like a total rip-off of Happy Gilmore. Do you have any more gum?

Go Away
Brand was on the Jonathan Ross show and got to hang out backstage with The Stooges and I thought… fuck off. Just go away. Stop it. This guy is not that funny or, like, anything. He is totally lacking in charisma. I do not get it. Go away. I am fighting a losing battle, but I am fighting.

In Soviet Russia, lies don't Neilsen box.

Where are you people? I am the only person I know with any regard for Ride. All the indie kids here namecheck Loveless but it's like they're scared of being called pussies so steer clear of Ride and stick with Jens Lekman…

I saw half an episode of this show once. Sheen is just one self-loathing hangover. Man, Hot Shots was good. And people were TRYING. Now pay up and go away, Chuck.

Freebird! Freebird! Freebird! Freebird! Freebird! Freebird! Freebird! Freebird!

This song needs to sit in the corner and think about what it's done. It's too undisciplined and excitable without being charming enough to avoid the dunce's corner. If I were avclub, I cwould give it a B-, if I were Pitchfork, 6.6, if I were Rolling Stone I suppose Jann Wenner would have a gun to my head so I'd

No, Rod Serling gave sexy back.

Jump Rope I like, but how about…

This Isn't News
Where's the news? Seen the news anywhere? Where did that news go? That news gotta be round here somewhere…

Nah, he tells me she's a hold-out.

Not Qualified
I am not going to get this job so will not waste your time applying or commenting further. However, if you want a mole in New Zealand give us a bell.

ALSO, he shouldn't have called the fucking album Seeking Major Tom if he's going to pull a stunt like that. Look at the next song along for him you biscuit-barrel-chested Kingdom of the Spiders-starring, tweetspewing, Folds-collaborating lump of self-effacing Canada.

I know now why you cry, but it's something I can never do. (Revolver in mouth)

Also "a Byrds song" is spelt "Mr. Spaceman"

You know, for kids!