
After murdering two policemen in cold blood, the gunrunner merely tapes up the cops at the armory!?! I'm glad that they limited the bloodshed, but why would a criminal this brazen leave witnesses?


I've never liked the term "mansplaining", but Sherlock's analysis of Watson's sex life epitomized the term. I was angry on her behalf, and waiting for a reaction that didn't come. In season one, Sherlock threw tantrums and caused damage. Now he's learned to be subtle enough to wound with his insights. That's a big

yeah, I knew that would boomerang on Holmes immediately.

I loved the capper to the whole Outside Dave scene: the photo was of himself. Too funny. (Definitely worth the product placement to se that.)

I'm so confused! And my prior experience of Tom Cavanaugh as Ed and as Eli Stone's saintly father make his current (maybe?) evil machinations a mind blower for me.

Fiddler on the Roof! With Danny DeVito as Tevye! Do it NBC. I dare ya.

Nick is proud of his Frisbee, which he is temporarily storing on his neighbor's roof. Impressive.

with Selfie cancelled, and tonight's developments, I'm looking forward to Frank and Andy, spirit cops, for the second half of the season.

Now, that was good casting against type. We're so conditioned to trust her from L&O that I never expected her to be part of the conspiracy.

I agree, but the first episodes gave him some humor to work with. He's pretty dour when dealing with his employees. I want more of him with Jesse L. Martin, because they're so cool together.

Does anyone here notice a very strong resemblance between the characters of Axl on The Middle and Will on About A Boy? The same twitchy hyper narcissism, facial expressions and conviction of their own awesomeness.

Did he ever get over his original owner's murder? Poor Clyde has issues.

I liked the ambiguity of the ending—I was dreading the inevitable wrap-up and the show surprised me.
Since the beginning of the series, Sherlock has been the proponent of logic, and Watson the voice of morality, so it was especially moving to see Sherlock (literally) floored at the end of the episode, unable to act on

I missed watching the episode live (I had to work—bleh) but the photo at the top of this recap makes me eager to check it out. Fun with flags indeed!

Ichabod knows "Macking". Made me laugh. Missed Frank Irving.

Sheldon after explaining alien sex to Penny: “I’m not an expert on facial cues, but I can tell you’re a little turned on.” The eyebrow wag following that statement was hilarious

Amy didn't wear her tiara. How disappointing.

I had a problem with the meth conceit…Jess is normally portrayed as a goody-goody person (she's an assistant principal, for goodness sake!) so if she found something in a garage sale ottoman, she'd probably turn it in to the police herself right away. It just didn't make sense to me that she'd go berserk like that.

re: coat hanger gift, this was on twitter:
The coat hangers are an homage to another show I had the pleasure of working on, Tru Calling. All you Tru Callers out there will get it. :) Elementary Writers (@ELEMENTARYStaff)