
Yeah, there's a skip button if you can't handle a track that's less than half a minute. DRCR is *the* pop-punk album go-to when I'm showing people what the genre was in my eyes.

That's just weird.

Man, that was an opener. I normally have a love/hate relationship with time skips (see: Young Justice) but this one seems to playing its cards in a believable manner. The progression of characters seems to play to their strengths.

Bolin has always been a team player, from the Triads with Mako, Pro-Bending, The 'Movers', Team Avatar. Without Team Avatar, and not being an airbender, Kuvira and the Metal Reich probably seems like the only 'good' team to play for currently.

Let's be real here, The Earth Kingdom has never really had it's shit together. Ba Sing Se? Totally, it is easy to rule inside of the walls; the queen barely had enough force/goodwill to collect taxes from other cities. Warlords are already out there, and for now it's the rest of the world's issue. It serves as a great

First, does anyone think putting Zaheer back in prison is a bad idea? I mean, he can still go to the spirit world, dude can still fly, and the Red Lotus still exist despite his buds biting it, the fact they had a whole hidden temple makes me feel like there’s more to them then the Zaheer and his gang let on, the U.R.

Redeemability: I don't know much about Ghazan's back story, but they way they characterize him, he feels like the most redeemable person in the Red Lotus quartet. He doesn't look super scary, he was personable with Bolin, he's just a dude who is super strong following an ideology. I mean, he's beat up some people and

On Rollin's Zaheer, I feel like how he's talking to Korra is deliberate character choice. We've seen Real Zaheer (the Prison monologue), Yorru Zaheer (Air Temple Island) and this one seems like Teacher Zaheer - be calm, wooden, stoic info dump long enough to get the Avatar. It reminded me a lot of Aang whenever he was

I’m so glad were finally getting some continuity this season. Things from past seasons feel like they have much more weight, and are not so self-contained. The spirits chilling, Asami’s father’s callback, Unalaq being Red Lotus.

Episodes 1-3 are suppose to go online on Nick July 14th according to the Korra Nation blog, so I would assume they would starting putting the other's online after that in a similar interval?

I don't remember if that was the given reason or not, we just got the quote of: "Lin and I had been growing apart for some time. We both had different goals and WHY AM I telling you this!" to Korra.

Edgy… maybe? I think the fact that instead of being the usual paternal half-siblings vs. maternal half-siblings is a little different. It depends where they take it.

I mean, she probably got older.

Bald Zaheer finally feeling like he fits his voice.

Much like how waterbenders can create steam/fog, it's earthbending state change.

I am so pumped for Rollins as Zaheer. I feel like while there is a disconnect in voice and appearance, I chock it up to the stresses of being imprisoned. He probably was a youthful aggressor once.

:tips fedora:

Can I just say that I love these olympics for the sheer fact I get to giggle every time I look at the program guide this week because it shows up as "XXX Olympics"

Can I just say that I love these olympics for the sheer fact I get to giggle every time I look at the program guide this week because it shows up as "XXX Olympics"

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus "I was watching a show on Nick so suicide was too far out of the realm of reason to be worth thinking about."