
I like the big metal buttons.

Good evening and welcome to the pit of penultimate darkness. Apparently, someone's opened a pit slightly darker than this one.

Boy that hennigan's goes down smooth - and afterward you don't even smell. H-E-double N-I…

Someone's got to tell me what to do, and Neil Young's got a heart of gold.

He was just a hipster doofus.

You're tearing me apart, hotplate!

You can always get a Pono!

I'm glad the CapAlert guy is keeping up with the times.

If it had been, I doubt the publisher would be so litigious.

Now that Happy Birthday is up for grabs, maybe he just just make that about creatures from the Black Lagoon and stretch to 300 pages.

Maybe they will solve the mystery of where the T-shirts are.

And you call THAT the tractor story?

What the fuck, there's no floor?

Let me just go on record as the one Barry detractor.

What if Jary too rich to have people tell him his ideas are stupid?

Svenborgia is game to you?

Gilmore Gals - The Andrea Planbee Story.


He's halfway to EGOTting!

That's a girl. I think the name Michael is making you look for a man.