
She's really funny.

If they were really concerned about witches, they should have just gotten some scales and ducks.

I know so few of these. What's the over/under on receiving internet fustigation?

That's the first thing that's ever gone wrong.

You're not supposed to directly refer to him.

Thom Yorke is aging worse than Steve Holt.

But will there be an inexplicably sassy baby and gay panic jokes?

A great choice for making it difficult to actually air his segment. Second only to singing copyrighted music by highly litigious artists.

It's that guy from that thing.*

If Jay-Z has been cheating on Radiohead too, the Internet is going to be so mad.

Down with oxidants!

Is his daughter going to be on the show?

Is this a trivia question or an "asking for a friend" situation?

Well, that's what her cat's breath smelled like.

There's always a beautiful dinette set in the banana stand.

"Inherently Silly Poll Decried as Silly but Still Reported as News."

You're right, I did enjoy that.

I got one for the NRA that was just three minutes of footage of guys sawing guns in half and hauling them to the dump.

So did Eric Massa and how did that work out?

Elmo is the worst.