Mr. Domino

So, this just showed up on the TV front page for me. NOW are we bringing this back? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW.

What's funny, is he basically did play a version of Sloane in the Mass Effect games.

@avclub-f836e975348302fd84e1d922a022d181:disqus So, let me get this straight - a TV series based on a comic book is canon, but when they loop it back around to comic books (which just recently wrapped up the brilliant "10,000 Clowns", the best BB story since RotJ), it no longer counts?

Don't you mean the Rom-verse? I mean, come on, anyone who's seen the show to its conclusion, this is a difficult statement to refute. I would totally vote for him as emperor of the universe.

Don't you mean the Rom-verse? I mean, come on, anyone who's seen the show to its conclusion, this is a difficult statement to refute. I would totally vote for him as emperor of the universe.

I was planning to do something like this with a friend who'd never seen The X-Files a while back, but scheduling ended up becoming too much of an issue. I will absolutely subscribe and follow this, though.

I was planning to do something like this with a friend who'd never seen The X-Files a while back, but scheduling ended up becoming too much of an issue. I will absolutely subscribe and follow this, though.

Well, in Star Trek Online, he ends up Chief Engineer on the Enterprise-F, so its hard to feel TOO bad for him…

Well, in Star Trek Online, he ends up Chief Engineer on the Enterprise-F, so its hard to feel TOO bad for him…

There are a number of excellent books chronicling the 8th season of DS9, and extending into the return of Voyager to the alpha quadrant, massive political scandals with the Klingons, a devastating borg invasion that costs (if memory serves) upwards of 60 billion lives to repel, and the formation of a new political

Actually, Bashir hasn't met Data yet - THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR WATCHING OUT OF ORDER.

After reading Handlen's comments here, I can't WAIT for him to dig into Odo's backstory. Sadly, we have to wait around while he remains the mysterious magic man for a couple of seasons.

I guess this is a spoiler alert, so, hey, if you're worried, SPOILER ALERT, but Jennifer's actress does get considerably better in later appearances.

I'm going to mention again that AVClub definitely needs to commemorate Zack's achievements here with a print volume of The Star Trek Project when/if he makes it through DS9. I, for one, would treasure such a volume. Also, that last paragraph? Not gonna lie, I teared up a bit. Its been years since I watched All Good

"Really, this whole episode is great, and if this is the sort of complexity I can look forward to in DS9, I’ll have my work cut out for me."

Actually, there was quite a few. The chick who was, like, totally Scully's best friend when they were both abducted by aliens was also an evil FBI agent in the first season episode about the ghost. The mom who was like "hey, new delivery guy, come into my house, use my bathroom, steal my pubes" from Irresistible was

Anytime after 6 central and I'll be there for the whole thing. I don't care what anyone else says, I love this movie, warts and all.

What time is the X-Files movie chat going to be next week? Hopefully not while I'm at work, as I've really been looking for an excuse to pull that movie out and watch it again.

A Book
I'd love to see AV Club put out a book of this entire Trek project after its finished (at least as finished as it could ever be said to be - I doubt very much that we'll get to see Handlen tear through Voyager or Enterprise).

Been checking every day, just in case, but I guess this one's a wash till next week. So close to the finish line, too!