
3 weeks later but….this is really interesting. So maybe Aiden (who killed Trask at the lair he was keeping dead padma) may have found that tape of hers and turned it into the authorities? This would be a really bizarre but intriguing turn of events. Why does Aiden hate Nolan suddenly? Hmm

I believe this convo happened earlier in the season when Oliver is arrested and Laurel represents him and she walks in on him shirtless in his bedroom.

Ohh! Brilliant….a Revenge lair would be so cool. Do this producers!

Ohh! Brilliant….a Revenge lair would be so cool. Do this producers!

Agreed, some of the things were mind-numbingly stupid. Like letting WHM go without a plan. But in regards to Victoria's immunity, Emily still has no idea that Victoria had struck a deal with the SEC right? Or did I miss something. So for all she knows, she was taking down both the Graysons by turning that evidence

Agreed, some of the things were mind-numbingly stupid. Like letting WHM go without a plan. But in regards to Victoria's immunity, Emily still has no idea that Victoria had struck a deal with the SEC right? Or did I miss something. So for all she knows, she was taking down both the Graysons by turning that evidence

Not necessarily. Lots of people also irrationally hate Declan but its not cuz he's short. Some people just rub you the wrong way, some actors certainly do. And I think Ashley happens to be one.

Not necessarily. Lots of people also irrationally hate Declan but its not cuz he's short. Some people just rub you the wrong way, some actors certainly do. And I think Ashley happens to be one.

She's likeable because of how stone cold awesome she is but I think she is still supposed to be the bad guy because of the choices she made. She chose to leave the artist because she wanted money and power with Grayson. She chose to give in to Conrad and agree to frame David Clarke because she would have lost all the

Way late but remember Olivia's nature is to blend in….a hipster glass wearer would never appeal to her. At least with the boring glasses, he'd have a better chance and Peter knows it

easy one to answer. Game of Thrones largely uses those scenes to no purpose at all. In this case, both scenes exist to comment on story and character. In the case of the hooker, showing her position, the prince's feelings. And most certainly in the case of Jessica to show the awkward humiliation of that moment.

Actually I saw it as commenting on her guilt of not believing her dad and not forgiving. In fact I thought she actually spells that out?

2 groups
Definitely can see two age groups there. Rachel vs Naomi for the love interest role and the younger ones for the other.

On the scene reports from EW and other sources have noted specifically how no matter what craziness is going on, Ryan is always on his mark and ready to his thing. That sounds quite professional to me, especially when compared to the always late and frequently bored looking judges.

yes that was sierra's most natural performance

Not true about the Mentalist, they got great ratings out of the premiere. The difference is your second point, CBS is able to find good timeslots for its show.

Hehe yeah I thought the same thing and was expecting Fox News to go batshit today. He gave Matt a hug and then lingered there and it did look like he gave him a peck on the cheek. Kind of cute really.