
Makes assumption about article —> reads article anyway and then comments. Internet comments would be much better in general if everyone did this. Here's to you, eggs.

I have a different philosophy on reviews and criticism. Not that a reviewer has to always be saying only positive things, but I prefer when the reviewer actually displays interest in the show. I liken it to reading music review on pitchfork vs allmusic. Pitchfork will review things in the context of what's hip, so

Yeah agreed (about the timing). When I saw the premiere of this season I was like, they, like everyone else called the election wrong.

I detect sarcasm!

I'm kinda with Tsunami. I think the intelligence level is the same, but now we can just hear the things people are saying now.

The show is literally about Nazi control of the USA. In the show, the eastern portion of the USA is called the greater Nazi Reich. It's based on a book written by Phillip K. Dick about an alternate history where the allies did not win world war 2. It's a work of science fiction.

I read the article, so I guess I'm the sucker too, but I really wish there would be less articles (here, and everywhere) that are summaries of people tweeting.

It's a dumb song but as others have mentioned, why do you assume it's about America? And as for your advice about not writing songs about a sensitive issue when it's unclear what side of the issue you're on, that would make art kind of boring wouldn't it? NO WRITING ABOUT SENSITVE ISSUES UNLESS ITS CLEAR TO ME THAT

I'm not saying people shouldn't make a big deal out of homophobia, I'm saying this isn't homophobic.

I don't understand why you can't seem to reply in non-sarcastic terms. And how do you know it doesn't concern me? You don't know anything about me. I don't criticize your argument based on assumptions I've made about you, why bring that into the mix?

The punchline of the joke is happening right here in this thread

So, jokes are unacceptable. Torture for the joke teller is fair game?

We're so quick to call everything _____phobic. SNL has made jokes about race, addiction, gender, peodophiles, murder, poverty, dictators, and all sorts of things that people and victims could be offended by. As far as mainstream (ie, public school) education goes, most of us grew up thinking their were two genders.

" There’s also, as floated by The Daily Dot, the racial aspect of Payne and her family receiving so much attention and reward—including full college scholarships and $20 an autograph—for her “white mediocrity,” while similarly viral stars who are black languish and fade."

It's Sen-Ter, like center, but spelled differently.

Years ago I was disappointed to hear this, but over the years since I've begun to realize that there's a good chance I may strongly dislike many of my favorite artists as people. So I've come to completely detach a person from their works. So long as it doesn't really cross over, like luckily Dahl didn't have a

Oh my goodness. The first shot where they reveal what Japanese Bond looks like…they just gave him that weird bowl cut and changed his eye brows. I love it so much.

I really enjoyed this. A very interesting and pleasant ~4 minutes.

Yellow Tops, got them yellow tops

Hmmm yes good point. I tried to type out a reply before but it didn't take.