
Just to be clear, intent and motive are not the same thing . Intent or Mens Rea is a necessary element of criminality; motive is not. Motive can at times serve as an aggravating or mitigating factor, but it's often judicial discretion. (Your CPR example is also showing intent, not motive).

I agree. Blue Valentine didn't really hit home for me, but Pines really impressed (and definitely surprised) me. I saw the trailer for this and didn't think much of it until I caught Cianfrance's name at the end. I'll definitely check it out because of him.

My hat is like a shark's fin

Todd Field. He also directed In the Bedroom and Little Children. I'd really like to see him get something else off the ground.

I remember that came out the same year as Lincoln. I also remember that I enjoyed it a lot more than Lincoln.

I'm also not familiar with how they're using "hilarious" here.

I tried to explain that scene to someone one time. Needless to say, I really failed to do it justice.

Why would you want to raise your cholesterol?

And I thought it was bad when I first saw it in the theaters upon its initial release. Where is my experience reflected in said timeline?

Before I got to your second sentence, I thought your favorite musician was Chuck Mangione.

Holy cow, I only just understood the "other" meaning for the name. It only took 15 years and your comment. I feel really dense.

I'm not sure I followed that. haha I haven't seen the episodes in a while. I just remember there was something about the way Andy insisted and Toby resisted that made me think it was her. If I remember correctly, her Congressional committee assignment made her privy to the information as well. It was a mess of a

It took me three sittings to get through that movie. I only finished because I figured it had to get better eventually; it never did. I think it was the extended edition and it was in desperate need of an editor.

It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

I still contend that he was taking the fall for Andy, who kept insisting that he say his dead brother told him even as he denied it repeatedly. I think she told him (and maybe even let it leak); he was protecting her for the sake of his family. That's the only way it really works for me.

I only watched a handful of episodes and thought it was pretty bad so I honestly have no idea if it's any good now. I just never could understand the appeal.

Eh, at that point I figured they just gave it to him out of pity and weak competition.

How did it ever?

Haha no, it's real. I was skeptical at first, but a number of the students I've encountered have actually been pretty strong. I double-checked and it looks like it's 52 hours in Fashion and 30 hours in Business, so about 36% of a Business degree. Still, not typically the path you take to law school.