
Has it been a pressing issue for that long? I don't remember hearing stories about bakeries being sued for refusing service until the past few years. The federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act was passed in 1993. More than half the states have some sort of similar law enacted over the last 20 years.

Have economic analyses found any support for this? I know the public-funded stadiums proposals (similar promises to those you mentioned) haven't helped up to scrutiny.

"Talk about the needless branding of children and adults on the spectrum
as tragedies to be prevented. Talk about how labels only serve to
increase unwarranted fears of autism."

I saw this in a second-run theater with a friend of mine. The only other person in the theater had such overwhelming B.O., I really couldn't focus on the quality of the movie.

I figured it was supposed to be funny, but I have no recollection of what they're referring to.

I guess their scheme is the only thing they have, but it's completely
ridiculous that it would actually work (not that this stopped the
writers before). The article seems waaaaaay more damaging than Conway's thing with the Intelligence Committee (the former President et al. going on record vs. he said, she said

I thought he was really good in The Killing and Easy Money. I think he's just a bad fit for this part. The scheming side, yes, but he really doesn't work as the actual appealing politician (as he was presented initially).

I wonder if maybe he'll turn on Underwood too. He has his moments of trying to do the right thing and the horror of his actions seems to be pulling at him. Frank is like his alcoholism; he can't help but make the wrong decision. Still, he's shown evidence of "overcoming" his addiction; Frank is next. Otherwise, I'm

37 user grades. Looks like 60% of them are F and 40% are A. And the movie doesn't even open until tomorrow. Huh.

Great point. It reminds me that Tom Wilkinson in In the Bedroom is one of my all-time favorite performances. He's a regular guy dealing with his marriage and his grief and he just blew me away. Of course, all of the other nominees for Best Actor that year were portraying real people and/or over-acting; he never had a

That makes sense. I think you've sold me on the continuity.

No, I didn't find season 5 to be slow. I thought it was great. I thought the whole series was great.

When I saw Saving Private Ryan I could hear a baby screaming down the aisle from me during the beach scene. I just couldn't understand what the parent was thinking. The sounds alone in a war movie would be enough to to make a baby cry.

They'd already spent time showing her make calls and work through documents. When you add in the montage, it was just too repetitive/redundant, in my opinion. I think it would've worked better if they'd cut down either some of the initial scenes or some of the montage.

I actually watched all seasons as they aired. I've re-watched the series since then too and think it's great. Heck, Ozymandius is the best episode of television I've ever seen. I just also think that the tenting montage in season 5 was over-long. Same for a couple instances here on Saul.

Watching Lincoln increased my appreciation for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I would never have imagined that the one involving vampires would be the better movie about Honest Abe.

I wasn't familiar with that letter, but I just watched the video. Holy crap; that was incredible.

Unfortunately for him, he was up against Ledger that year for the Oscar. Still, Shannon's performance was amazing. He owned that movie in just a couple scenes.

So I guess we're not getting weekly reviews on this show? That's disappointing; I think the first two episodes have been pretty good.

I didn't remember that, but now that you mention it, that dialogue does sound familiar. I guess he's just older than he looks. Hector still seems way too young and healthy for the timeline to me. However, it seems like there might be an explanation for that if he had a stroke (as I saw others mention). Didn't remember