
True. Dowd's qualms just made me think of that quote. Given that (per the review) it's not even clear that the movie is conveying what Dowd is afraid it might convey, it just seemed like reaching. I do commend him for not using "problematic," though.

Sounds like Dowd liked everything but the message he thought it might be almost conveying. What was it Roger Ebert said, "It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it?"

I had a roommate from Rhode Island who called it a bubbler - only person I've ever heard say it. I never knew it was a term used outside that state, much less in Australia.

I thought that was a very funny, clever bit of writing…but it wasn't funny when she said it. I don't know if it's bad acting, but it's not working as far as I'm concerned. Actually, I think that line reading pretty much sealed it for me. It's just killing time until her plot line is over.

I was. I pretty much lost touch with all that after Weathered, but, yup, I was on there a lot for a while. Small world.

I really didn't care for that movie. I can't remember much about it, but just kept wondering how it was so acclaimed.

I've read that the movie wasn't originally going to be about John Conner. It wound up getting changed after Bale signed on as Conner; hence, it's kind of a mess.

Ha! I do the same thing with "galleria."

I liked it in Requiem for a Dream, not so much here.

Man, I thought it was really bad. It started out okay, but once Fox's character showed up it just nosedived. The pacing was all off, Fox's acting was stilted and the way they brought her character in really didn't make much sense. The drink making sequence was so oddly directed it failed to connect as either sexy or

The trailer I saw with the "Would that it were so simple" scene was really, really funny. Reading this review, however…yikes. This sounds really bad (the decent grade, notwithstanding).

Maybe it's not an everyday thing, but since seeing The Vanishing, I have an irrational fear that a loved one will be kidnapped from a gas station. A sense of dread comes over me if we're stopped and someone is gone for a little longer than I expect them to be. It's a great movie, but I really hate it sometimes.

Yes! I said the same thing to my wife.

I'll defend the Matrix sequels. Heck, I think Reloaded is actually a better movie than the original. The above criticism is lazy anyway, considering they really didn't use bullet time in the sequels.

Shaun is great, though I actually think Hot Fuzz is superior. I guess both are probably more homages or satires than straight parodies, though.

I finished it, but didn't find it very funny. I figured it was just dated so I'm somewhat surprised to see it on a "holds up" list.

I looked up who she was nominated against and was shocked to discover that Ghost was nominated for Best Picture that year. Ghost! It even won for Best Screenplay. Dances With Wolves won 7 Oscars; Goodfellas won one. What an crazy year at the Oscars.

Tom Wilkinson, fool! That's the narrative for me at least.

The scene where Bryce Dallas Howard holds out her trembling hand, waiting for Joaquin Phoenix as the monster approaches is one of my favorite moments in any movie. It's so beautiful and really quite moving.

I think he was great in The Departed and he wasn't even nominated. I'd say he was robbed there. Forrest Whitaker was fine, but he wasn't even a lead role in the movie.