
Never whistle while you're pissing

I haven't listened to it yet but I have to say that seeing it live was great. One of the most hilarious shows I've ever been to and I was very aware of the visual aspect and how poorly it would probably come out on the podcast. Very strange for the episode recorded at the Podcast Festival but in the room it was

In the 70's we thought the future would just be one big mall.

In the 70's we thought the future would just be one big mall.

Bond, how British am I?

Relentlessly mediocre
Will Ferrell is so bland it makes my nose bleed.

Punk is not dead, it just smells funny.

Mickey Way? The candy bar? You take that, right?

Diamond Sings Nilsson Sings Neil.

Valium high come down album?
What was the album Walter sent Astrid back to the lab for? I couldn't make out the name of the group. Certainly not the Thelonius Monk we heard in the lab earlier…

Nine Sweaters absolutely belongs on this list. I have heard most of these albums and they are indeed very very good but Nine Sweaters is at least as good if not better than anything here. Can anyone who has heard it deny this? I think not!

I remember reading the NatLamp article before the movie came out. I was pleased that the movie was funny and kept as much stuff as it did from the original but I was also acutely aware that it was a watered down version of the source material.

16 Candles isn't entirely bad and even the horribleness of the Asian character would almost be palatable without the gong noises. I saw it recently and the gong noises on the soundtrack make an already questionable yet kinda funny stereotype into something that is just clearly terrible. All the funny is drained away.

The girl gymnast sketch struck me as an in-joke about how Michael Ian Black has the body of girl gymnast.

I downloaded it from iTunes and yes there was a longer segment of the glam song.

11 Harrowhouse
I remember seeing this movie when I was a kid and I was absolutely fascinated by it. Does anybody else remember it? Is it as good as I remember it being?

One Eyed Monster
is all kinds of awesome. Napier is amazing in it. Everyone should see it. It should be mandatory. Maybe everyone won't love it but they should still see it. Trust me…

Strict Thin Legs Policy
I liked them better when they were called The Black Tubes…

I was lucky enough to bowl at those lanes before they tore it down. It was very cool. They left the neon stars on the walls. That was a cherished experience, and I'm not much of a bowler (or a golfer).

Topher didn't program "Roger" that much is clear from his conversation with Adele. And I really don't think she has enough technical knowledge to do it herself. So I really think this is a mystery which still needs to be explained and will lead to something new.