It was sitcommy in a new way? Really? The blender trick was from the same school as Schmidt's "vagenius" monologue: skirting around something sexual with deliberate vagueness. It's not original, but it's still funny when done well.
It was sitcommy in a new way? Really? The blender trick was from the same school as Schmidt's "vagenius" monologue: skirting around something sexual with deliberate vagueness. It's not original, but it's still funny when done well.
I find the "I really like you" to be sweet, actually, and more realistic than the jump to "I love you" that most TV shows pull. "I like you" is an in-the-moment feeling—you say it because of something that happens that makes you feel a rush of affection. It rings very true to me as an early relationship thing. Even…