Nick the Great

Double post. Shoot me.

I hate to see any publication I respect agreeing with Pitchfork on any level whatsoever. This review saddens me, for it suggests that the the could be right about this band being of quality.

I hate to see any publication I respect agreeing with Pitchfork on any level whatsoever. This review saddens me, for it suggests that the the could be right about this band being of quality.

I enjoyed them both equally, though I do think that this episode made good on the promise of portraying Ames as somebody in way over his head with the PI gig. In the pilot he was paying people off, staking out dirty motels, etc. Clearly not a pro, but not hilariously bad either. However, in this episode he was much

Why did Noel steal Christmas?

The Greek chain? I've always found their gyro's to be a bit gristly…

I certainly think that was X-Files on the TV during that first morph scene… or Californication.

Two Questions
What's with the hate for Jason Schwartzman? And what's with the collective AV Club hardon for fucking "Castle"? Is it the clunky and lazy writing or the the bland and uninspired acting that generates the need to compare all of the new shows to that garbage?

Damn all of you…
For wasting my time and the precious space of the internet on this inane and laughable crock of an organization. For shame!

I would hope and say "yes" and that I officially love love love this show. If there isn't then there is a wasted opportunity for next season, because that would create all sorts of subplots. What if Peter decides he wants to go back?

Gettin' Better
I have to say that when I first started watching this sucker I was just doing so because there wasn't too much on TV on Tuesday nights. However, this second half of the season has been pretty damn good. Now it's one of the few shows that I actually forward to during the week. Props due for Abrams and

OK, allow me a little indulgence away from writing, acting, and shot selection, and let me talk about the one thing that's been bothering me. Suddenly, I find myself convinced that Olivia is hot. At first, not so much. BUT, as I watched more episodes, she's grown on me. Kind of a more feminine Cate

Whoops, this was supposed to go in the comment thread above this one. I'm an idiot, allow me to repent.

I don't think it's fair to say that people forgot about him, so much as people forgot about literature as a whole. I mean, in a world where Dan Brown is making millions of dollars, well, let's just say that nothing makes sense anymore.

I kind of agree with you on this, and I actually like Doves. The entire album resulted in one big shrug of the shoulders from me. I think that it was better than "Some Cities" but certainly not on par with "Lost Souls" or "The Last Broadcast"

I agree. Not terrible. Which for Heroes is a marked improvement that cannot be understated. I will say that Nathan's drinking contest solution to he and Claire's money problems was eye-rollingly ridiculous.