
I liked Ongina, but I feel that the negative criticism from the judges, rather than her positive status led to her sashay. IICR the judges kept criticizing her for looking like a boy ( I thought her bald look was cute), and some of her styling was off, due to the fact that she didn't tuck. (I remember during the girl

The one thing that rubbed me the wrong way about Season 1 was that Bebe seemed disturbed/confused by women who wanted to appear masculine-her attitude showed she had a narrow definition of what a woman should look like.

He's adorable!

Get out the canoes.

Jiggly, PhiPhi, Roxxxy, CoCo…if Logo is looking for programming, they could do group therapy a la Dr. Drew.
*But seriously, all of the above need professional help.

When she "sleeps" she's actually concocting diabolical plans in her head!

I found Roxxy's comment hypocritical, to call someone gimmicky but palling around with  Detox, who got called out on her jellylips wiggle move.

I can see getting reconstructive surgery, but at this point, I think she's become an addict.

Supposedly she said some things off camera and in the confessional that didn't make the show, IIRC. I'm going to have to rewatch that part of the interview to make sure of what she specifically said.

Well, let's hope so. It's good to keep in mind to take everything one sees on "reality" tv with a grain of salt.

At least on Elimination Lunch Jade apologized for calling Alyssa fat and apologized to Serena. It gives me hope to know that she's aware she made some mistakes.

Coco needs to apply her advice to her "forgive" speech to Alyssa to herself.

Alaska needs to make the separation quickly. This isn't Rome, and the crown isn't going to be shared by a triumvirate.

That Untucked shattered me. I almost started crying. On a related note: Jade still has some growing up to do, but hopefully she's headed in the right direction. I was shocked to see Jinkx laughing along with the others who were mocking Alyssa as fat. For me, she lost her ability to complain about the others being mean

Michelle rips into Santino a bit on her website (there was a fashion show and the piece in question was made of squares of cardboard. She wrote "Maybe Santino would like it").

Tammy was quirky, but she was also arrogant. I liked that Jinkx did well with Little Edie and knew more history than most of  the other queens, but wasn't as confrontational as Tammy.

I wanted "Ke$sha" to brush her teeth with a bottle of Jack Daniels. Come on.. it was right there!

"I think Ru should bring in Latrice at the beginning of the next episode to read them for that fuckery.  "

The only person who could reach stratospheric heights of explosive rage and narcissism is Phi Phi. There is only one Phi Phi and thank God for that.

I feel that in this season and the last, the quality of the queens in being sacrificed for those who bring the most drama.