
The queen's response to Jinkx highlights my irritation with the past two Snatch games-not only were the queens this season appallingly rude to Jinkx, some thought being pretty/fishy was the only thing they had to do and that comedy or camp was beneath them. The reason a lot of the queens were terrible is because they

Smiling vacantly whenever you don't know what to do will only get you so far.

Celia Cruz! Azucar!

Willam's Beatdown (show on YouTube) is hilarious.

My favorite part of the episode is when she called out Santino.

Oh my goodness, the empty-headed smile she did when the producer (or whoever) asked if she had done/was familiar with Diana Ross.

At one point, it looked like it threw up in his mouth.

Flat soda lip-sync.

"Stop relying on that body!"

Whenever Ru says Ivvvyyyy Winterrrrrrs I feel like ripping my laptop in half.

Vivienne Pinay's problem was that she didn't make her voice heard. Instead of strongly (loudly) voicing her opinions, she let others make the decisions for her, which led to her elimination. I can't remember, but did she ever say "no" to an idea she didn't like? It seems that she passive aggressively simmered, then

"If there exists a guy more in need of an ass-kicking than Miscavige, I hope I never hear of him."

I have LDS/Mormon friends who moved away from SLC and try to avoid the area at all cost. I've heard second hand (I'm not Mormon) from Mormons that SLC has its own separate Mormon culture and can be unwelcoming to fellow Mormons who move to the are from another region.

NA is a secular option, IIRC.

It could be any number of things any thing from  her oral comprehension of English may be stronger than her written comprehension of English to having some form of dyslexia?

I have a RuPaul Pandora station.

Lineysha freaked me out a bit.

I got a strong picked beforehand vibe from Tyra's win.

I'd like to see Nina perform in person.

I do feel like the Hipanic Spanish speaking queens are being stereotyped a bit -either poor English, straight up bizarre (Kenya Michaels), or a mental train wreck a la Jiggly (Yara Sofia's breakdown during the lip-sync was heartrending). I mean after all these seasons you can't tell me that there aren't bilingual