
I loved her winner's walk!

Vanessa, what made Willam's comments hit home for me was that for once he was not playing the character he played on RPDR-he was dead serious.

Phi Phi was really transparent about saying what people wanted to hear (she could ape speeches about not wanting kids to be bullied, and how being bullied was awful, and that she would help preserve the drag sisterhood, etc), but her actions spoke otherwise. It was disturbing how when confronted with her lies, she

kelly the first
I assumed PhiPhi wasn't getting very many gigs, which would make it even more crucial devote more time to publicizing those gigs, rather than sniping at people online. She lacks to ability to successfully promote the gigs she has, and definitely would not promote a corporate sponsor well.

At least from her Twitter page, bad at self-promotion as well. The other queen's pages have a good bit of info on their upcoming performances and they interact with their followers. PhiPhi's page is basically responding to "haters" and generally being nasty (if it's that much of a problem, the "Block" button is your

I agree with you, I didn't agree with the review categorizing Willam's response as shit stirring..she rightly called out PhiPhi who was lying on camera (again). It wasn't theatrical, it was to the point and needed to be said.

Hooking up with her husband doesn't explain Willam vomiting onstage, or his confession of feeling sick due to "personal problems" earlier in his elimination episode. I thought it was either chronic illness,  he was coming down from something he took the night before, or his stash ran out and he was experiencing

At first, I was upset that Ru moved the date of the announcement, after viewing her twitter feed (which stated that they filmed three separate endings to prevent a season three prob-one of the queens spoiling the result), I understood the decision.

" It is meandering and self-indulgent.." This, to me, describes Wolves of the Calla perfectly. I'm not saying King should not have written the book, but there was little payoff surrounded by a lot of fluff (I did like the Orisa [sp] stuff and the crew finally finding out about how the wolves/singleton kids fit into

I really liked Wizard and Glass as well. I also enjoyed the graphic novel series, which focuses on the same theme (more Gunslinger and Co stories)-I like that the series covered exactly what happened leading up to and at the fall  of Gilead and the battle of Jericho Hill.

I hope they can add one or two more episodes to the third season.

The way Tyra positioned her wig made it look like she was going bald. I kept thinking of Homey the Clown from In Living Color.

As much as I'm still appalled about PhiPhi's behavior on the show, being put in the hospital by his own dad was pretty horrible to hear about.

Going through horrible stuff is no reason to treat anyone the same way. I have tremendous respect for those who have gone through family abuse and have vowed never to do that to other people, or their own kids. PhiPhi seems to use it as an excuse to act nasty.

Yes. Stannis gets Edric Storm (one of Robert's known surviving bastards) out of Storm's End. Melisandre plans to use him in one of her spells.

SPOILERS And Jon Arryn's poisoning as well.

Nothing live, but Logo.com uploads the episodes at 3am.

Sometimes Latrice would look absolutely gorgeous, other times she failed in the style department (those black boots, the couch textured dress). I was rooting for her to be in the top 3, sad to see her go. I just wish she worked on her look a bit more (she seemed to decline  in that department as the show went on).

Persia- I had a general dislike for all of  the negative queens, but Raja, as the ringleader really rubbed me the wrong way.

Just based on my viewing experiences, I'm a little worried. The past seasons (2/3) have crowned the queen that (out of the top three/season) I have the most negative reaction too. My irritation at Ru choosing Tyra has abated, but I can't stand when other gays bully and generally act like hs students (and are