
There wasn't any prostitute beating, but I think I remember Tyrion being disturbed by Joff's arousal at having Sanasa stripped, humiliated and beaten.

The rats panic and try to create an exit any way they can (in this case, through the person). A horrible, painful death.

At least in ADWD George RR Martin starts to form a more solid link between Dany (Viseris as well) and Westeros via Dorne.

What's frustrating about Dany's storyline is that it seems to move at a glacial pace, much slower than the others. I know she has to build an army/power base from scratch and all…at least the storyline picked up ADWD SPOILER Ride-able  dragons, finally!

Seasons 1/2 were pretty good. To me, MLP/Nancy is only good as the supporting cast.

Edric is important to both Melisandre and Stannis-since he shares Robert's blood/kingsblood which is shown when
SPOILERS Davos rescues Edric when he learns M/S are going to roast him alive due to that familial bond.

I agree with the show being fixated on Loras/Renly being gay and not focusing more on other characteristics. Loras is gay AND he's supposed to be one of the best fighters (Hand's Tournament shenanigans aside). SPOILER After  Jaime looses his hand and becomes captain of the Kingsguard he admits that Loras is the best

Next episode preview/spoiler?
Looks like we're getting a shadow baby in the next ep. Interested in seeing how the director is going to pull this off.

Book 5 Spoiler,
        Now that the dragons are actually big enough to ride, perhaps Dany's storyline will pick up. Since the Yunka'i et al are planning on tossing plague ridden bodies over the walls, I can see Dany using the dragons to burn out the plague.

I forgot which character said it, but they compare Renly to a bright shiny copper penny. Looks good but won't get you very far or do you much good.

In books four and five there's a lot of fear over re-arming the Church-in future books I can see Melisandre's/Stannis' fanatics and the Septon's fanatics reducing King's Landing to rubble in a fight for dominance (if Stannis makes it that far).

One thing that irked me about both the show and the comics -Buffy (season 7, season/8-9)-especially is that they didn't do enough with the damaged/unprepared slayer arc.  There was the girl who killed herself in season 7, and several of the potentials were unprepared but they didn't really address what would happen to

We will speak of that episode no more! *Spits*

Both the actor and some fans (myself included) had issues with that. Tom Lenk-the guy who played Andrew said that the show was adamant about Andrew not being gay, hence the ridiculous scene in The Girl in Question. I rolled my eyes so hard they almost hurt when he was with the two Italian chicks at the end. And the

The one thing I liked about "You're Welcome" is Cordelia's attitude toward The Power That Be-she actually demanded something of them and got it (in a sense they were admitting they dropped the ball).

It helps to think of RPDR is a parody of all of the artificiality of other reality TV show competitions and mocking shows that claim to be impartial, but have producers and sponsors playing a heavy role in the selection of the winner.

I don't think anyone believes it's a "legitimate competition," but the selection of the final three (PhiPhi) especially boggles the mind, from a PR/Marketing standpoint. Both PhiPhi and Sharon would have distinct issues in that arena if either were selected (I'd prefer Sharon). I'd love for Chad to win, although with

Also, I hope Ru let them know how unprofessional they were with keeping the guest star waiting so long that she had to leave! When the creator of the show's so fed up with you that she shuts off her monitor and leaves you to your own devices ,you need to scale it back.

I wonder if that's a class/money issue. From online pics it seems that queens like Sharon and Willam (especially Willam) have the discretionary income to spend a lot of money on looking good (either making things themselves, getting others to make them, or just buying them). Latrice has worn the same pair of PVC witch