
I became worried this was the case, since the Absolut guy was over the moon when he came into contact with PhiPhi and her ability to glue random fruit onto a stripper shoe.

Me too.

I was irritated by Rebecca's behavior in the final challenge (on a set, time is money) but PhiPhi just takes bad behavior to another level. Rebecca was extremely unprofessional and bitchy, PhiPhi brings a distinct lack of self-awareness and crazy to her anger-it's like she forgot how to shut it off and deal with it as

Vanessak69- —And her main response was to fall on laziness with her puppet act and
call Latrice fat. I wasn't too mad, 400 lbs of awesome is better than
10lbs of crap in a five pound bag.

I think a yappy Jack Russel would have suited PhiPhi better :)

Chad said it best when it came to PhiPhi: "edit yourself, bitch." Especially since some people won't just let an argument go at words-I'm surprised PhiPhi hasn't been laid out yet.

Fan favorite for sure-I hope she comes back for All-Stars.

I feel that RPDR is setting things up for a PhiPhi win, and I'm disgusted by the whole thing. I'm well aware sponsors and producers have a say in who they want to win, but PhiPhi?  I think it has to do with how little the judges (both guest and main) see. Most of the drama takes place in the workroom.

There's a scene in Babies (documentary)-the Bayar section, where Bayar's brother drags around the family chat by a noose tied around its neck and you can see that the cat is weakly struggling to get away. The camera pauses on that cat-too weak to move after the ordeal, wide eyed and gasping for breath in the middle of

Oh yes. One of my favorite parts in the series.

I thought the Cordelia, Connor, Angel botched loved triangle was a huge misstep, but on a repeat viewing my rancor toward the season softened.

I hate to say it, but I'm 90% sure he's dead and not coming back ala Coldhands. The other part of me thinks there's a slim chance he survived, with Melisandre's help.

I think they were trying to go with beatific but Kenya's DILF looked like he wanted to get a late term abortion.

Cougarton- I listened to one of the Feast of Fun podcast with India Ferrah and Mimi-supposedly they're BFF's now and tour often together.

I do wish that the PhiPhi/Sharon lipsynch/Willam elimination episode had been a double elimination -Willam had to go because of the DQ, but Phi Phi should have gone home for a poor performance.

I wonder what Dan Savage would do if his son came out as bi.

I agree with you. The type of drag Sharon performs (shock drag-I guess you'd call it), is extreme.

Based on previous episodes (Snatch Game, especially) I was afraid that the Latrice would not be able to block out the other queens' bad behavior. Her focus in the LSFYL was amazing, with Kenya flitting around her like a hummingbird-to me, it saved the episode.

I'd love to see Latrice perform in person.

The further I got into the series, the more I felt his editor was slacking off.