
Also, never get involved in a land war in Asia. Or Westeros, apparently.

I'm pretty sure in a couple of years, Tarantino's movies will consist of nothing but women's feet (shudder).

Neither Raven or Tatianna were saints-just after the rewatch Tati's sniping stood out in my head more and reminded me of Phi Phi more. Phi Phi's way more egotistical than either of those two.

I didn't like Tyra at first-and was upset that she won the first time I watched the series. I felt a bit differently after watching the reunion show-she seemed genuinely sorry for his bad behavior on the show and really cares about his son.

@avclub-6c0a705180bd169c15a37d6620fc735f:disqus  Phi Phi vomiting glittery was funny, although its a pity that she's only truly happy/funny when she's gloating over other co-stars eliminations or insulting other queens on stage (The Help? Seriously?).

I think Dida's relationship with her parents played a role in her reticence in this challenge but I also think that she's still a bit shell shocked from the behavior in the gold room in the last ep (Phi Phi & Willam). She needs to work on not letting other people's obnoxious behavior get to her.

Mecha-Shiva! Mecha-Shiva!

I do agree that Tatianna could hit the right notes-sometimes. It was her attitude I had a problem with. Unlike Tatianna, Phi Phi lacks talent to offset the bad attitude.

Jiggly's probably in a padded cell somewhere and won't be able to make it.

I recently re-watched  Season 2 with Tatiana. Her attitude was so nasty! Phi Phi's like Tatiana on steroids.

I wonder if the vomiting was from a chronic illness (Celiac's or Crohn's disease). I was trying to think of a reason, other than drugs or boozing, which would cause her to vomit.

Her rant in the lounge was almost as bad as Jiggly's final one.

I agree with you-there's a good chance that PhiPhi told the producers about Willam's transgressions.
I'm pretty sure PhiPhi is the next to go-she's good at being angry or manipulative and has used that to pick off weaker insecure queens (Jiggly). Since the competition is getting stronger, there are less queens left

The only time I didn't find PhiPhi completely obnoxious was her "Willam's busted" chair dance. I don't know why that amused me so much.

With the amount of nuclear testing that went on in the southwest, I though district 13 would be there.

The most annoying thing about Lauren was that Melissa George would switch between an Australian and a British accent, sometimes in the same line.

I found the trailer off-putting.

I would also like for the AV club to cover seasons 3-5. They might not be as strong as 1-2, but there are some quality episodes in the bunch.

I also wondered whether Allison saw Will as a potential out. She was locked into Francie's form but that would enable her to have a somewhat normal, domestic relationship. Getting Sark et al off her back would be another story-I wonder how that would work (possible CIA walk-in and spilling the beans about the doubling

Jiggly already had low self-esteem; she felt that no one took her seriously and everyone thought she was stupid. Phi Phi, schemer that she is, saw a weak, easy target and pushed Jiggly in the wrong direction (given J's sensitive state, it wasn't difficult). Phi simply told Jiggly what she wanted to hear.