
Jiggly needs some serious help and I don't think signing up for a reality tv show, and the pressure that came with that helped (bulimia, mother's death, notoriously thin skinned). When Chad handed her the card during the read, I thought it would be for a good psychiatrist, not a dentist.

I voted for her. I'd love to see Jujubee back on the show as well.

Fans get to choose an All Star! Go to the Drag Race Facebook page to vote!

The main point of Nina was to show Angel had moved on from Buffy, but it didn't really succeed on that point. The best scene she had was after the werewolf attack-when she was in the kitchen with her sister and her niece, trying to figure out what was wrong with her.

Jiggly completely turned me off when she told Sharon that two drag queens together was disgusting, then continued to say it even when people tried to explain to her why saying that was offensive.

I don't like Phi Phi, but I think the producers will keep her around to up the drama on the show.

I'd love for Latrice to be in the Top Three-I wish she'd win- but with the heavy producer influence, I don't see it happening.

Jiggly's going to take everything super seriously during the reading and flip out, possibly self-destructing in the final challenge.

I know producers have a lot of say in who wins, I just hate that it's so blatant and transparent on some seasons of the show.

JP, I think you're right about the producers picking the wins beforehand. Makes RPDR entertaining to watch, for all of the drama/contest, but frustrating to actually think about.

Although I prefer Sharon over Willam (wish I had seen Sharon when I was in PGH) I have a dreadful feeling that the producers are going to push Willam into the win-with Sharon, Willam and PhiPhi (not fond of her either) in the top three.

The moment Milan started stripping off her clothes during the lip synch, I thought "and, we're stuck with Jiggly for another week."
*edited for typo

Two characters from the United States of Tara: Gene, Kate's (Tara's daughter) smarmy, stalker boss and Charmaine (Tara's whiny sister).

In addition to Roman I'd add JJ, especially to what he was going to do with his daughter CaraLynn (use her eggs and his sperm for Nicki's in vitro treatment) and the rest of his family's incestuous shenanigans.

Definitely Tyler. Even his grating nasal voice set me on edge.

Well, Kenya's out. That means I have to pick someone else for my drag race fantasy team (I'm doing abysmally in the rankings). Might replace her with Dida Ritz or Chad. Adios you tiny Puerto Rican firecracker.

Edit. Wrong actress. Jennifer Jason Lee was on weeds, not LT.

I like both incarnations of the show, the first, more political seasons and its broader (and richer) current format. Bush Comes to Dinner is still one of my favorite episodes.
"Do the Skull and Bonessss!"

I think its safe to say The Princess and Sharon Needles drag romance (dromance?) is over. Dida Ritz-wow. One of the best lip synch for your life performances ever!

Faye Dunaway was too vampy for my taste. I found her character annoying.