
I read 1-4,and think I'm suffering from Martin fatigue (strange though, I jumped right into a good SF series Octavia Butler's Seed to Harvest). I'll get to ADWD, but not until later this year.

"I know she was a virgin, but did she never use a tampon . . . or ride a horse"
I finished hs in a religiously conservative area. One girl I went to school with was afraid of using tampons b/c she thought it would take her virginity. Since Jessica was raised in an extremely religious household-she might have thought of

Kennedy became a lot more tolerable in the comics-perhaps b/c time spent on her was minimized. I also think the problem lay in part with the actress.

Connor's break down after seeing the murdered family was one of the strongest scenes in the episode and one of the strongest Conner scenes in season 4.

Final season?
The show should wrap up this final season-I don't think there's anywhere else to go with the story.

Only caught season 3 the first section of season 4 of Angel the first time around. Connor annoyed me to no end. I actually started Mad Men before continuing with season 4 on DVD. At first, I didn't recognize Vincent Kartheiser, but once I did I was surprised at how well his acting improved. Made watching him in the

Please review Season 2
Eagerly looking forward to you picking the show up again for the second season.

@Pork. It was Nip/Tuck. They actually did it twice. Once to dispose of drug lord Escobar, and previously to dispose of a guy Escobar shot.

Ron Rifkin is master of the creepy smile.

SOA choir
"Maybe S7 of SOA will get nominated — when the guys have all become doctors and lawyers who sing in a fucking choir."

I hope George
Remembers to dip the head in tar first, or it won't last very long.

I didn't think Tarantino was a good choice of villain -too cartoonish, given the direness of the mission.

Casey Anthony's Many Imaginary Friends
The woman's clearly mentally ill-based on the soap opera cast's worth of characters running through her head:http://tinyurl.com/43tm3rp.

The Sookie in the book makes decisions that are either selfish or downright sociopathic, but I find her lack of helplessness (which differentiates her from the TV character), refreshing.

*undesirables. Why can't I type?

I'm quite aware a lot of people who watch the show don't read the books, but I did want point something out in the books that supports the shift to non-killing feeding. Some of the vamps point out that centuries ago, when the population was less dense it was easier to conceal a kill. The trade off being moving around

I also feel that, although not as likeable, Sookie's personality in the book is less passive and more about manipulating situations in order not to be taken advantage of. This is true especially in the later books SPOILER when she's organizing hits on vamps and helping to carry them out.

She's in school for her doctorate (English).

Sloane's Speech
"I chipped in, in my own way. I always thought of you as my daughter, even from the beginning."

It might have been age or the type of cancer (prostate), but my grandfather, looked like a Holocaust victim in the end. My uncle, on the other hand (mesothelioma) looked puffy and swollen.