
Transamerica X 2
So this is like Transamerica crossed with the Professional?

Laces Out!
Sean Young seriously. Oka…I may do a half hearted search on YouTube for clips of her after the season starts (goes over to check Netflix for BladeRunner streaming).


@ Balls Book 4 SPOILERS-
The Dornish princess (forgot her name) hatched a plot to have Myrcella declared queen. One of her knights disobeyed her orders and, thinking the best way to get the Iron Throne was outright war with the Lannisters, tried to take off Myrcella's head. She moved back at the last minuted, but lost

I gave a litter cheer when Books 4 SPOILER Jaime throws Cersei's letter in the fire.

My main question is whether or not Arya will accept that (perhaps a rogue assassin arc?).

I wonder if Arya will get her sight back in book 5 or if she's destined to become some sort of blind assassin character. Either way, her punishment for killing Dereon does put a crimp in her revenge plans.

To add spice to the plot Sue's sister could come back as a Black Lantern.

I'd never hold MF up as a paragon of feminism, but Shia just sounds like a prat.


If I was in serious need of protection (from arms dealers, rogue governments, superpowered terrorist,etc) I'd consider X-Force or if I had an insane amount of money Secret Six (I know their not heroes per se).

He Loves Me/He Loves Me Not
In He Loves Me/He Loves Me Not, the pregnant wife of the man that Audrey Tautou is obsessed with miscarries. You see this from Audrey's character's vantage point, watching the aftermath. At the end of the movie you realize she ran over the wife , causing her to miscarry (nice quite

Cowboy Beebop
Looking forward to the coverage for CB.

@Soz. I can't really compare SPOILER Eve to Lilah, since Eve had very little agency. Eve was created by the senior partners to relay info/observe Angel, Lilah loved being evil, cooking up her own schemes, etc and was a more active player in the Angel universe, unlike Eve, who was a puppet. I consider them to distinct

Whoops. Meant to say Willow's rebound.

I couldn't stand Kennedy, but at least she became tolerable in the comics, perhaps because she was used less. I never got past feeling that she was a Tara rebound-while watching the series.

@ Only. Evil kids yes. But a bunch of women cheering on an extended weeks?months?-long gang rape got to me more.

Ascot with skulls?
Is he wearing an ascot with skulls on it, or is my vision horrible?

Dogville, ugghhhh. That whole movie just got worse and worse, put it was the machine gunning of the kids that was the final straw for me (was less affected by the killing of the women who were laughing when Nicole Kidman was getting raped, those were horrible people).

Are Tagalogs that great? No. Samoa's are awesome, though.