
I thought Amber Benson requested Tara be killed off since the other alternative she was given by the writer's was to have the character become evil.

The comments about how Spike and Angelus committed evil reminded me of dialogue from S5's Damaged

Season 8 Spoiler
An exception to a (wearying rule)-Giles death at the hands of Angel in The Last Gleaming Arc.

I did laugh out loud at the ending of TGIQ and then felt a bit angry,

Xander's Stake?
I thought it was an ax. Perhaps I'm remembering the scene incorrectly, but I remember thinking the first time I viewed it "why an axe instead of a stake?"

I wonder where Eileen Myles went. She wrote some of the earlier eps as well.

I wonder if Kathy went back to Mexico and became Joey's second wife (they were going that way-even Lois told Joey to back off), after Barb's Frank-has-an-STD mass phone call.

I thought Alby would kill Bill or vice versa, and then Adaleen/Lois would take their revenge.

I meant to say compromise.

As unlikable as Bill became in the past two seasons…
And although it wasn't as featured as other relationships, I liked the Bill/Sarah dynamic. Although their disagreement with each others lifestyle choices (Bill's polygamy/patriarchy, Sarah's decision to move away from the family), they were able to comprise with

@ Wolfram. Don't forget Angel's photographic memory.

In my first post I was talking about Lindsey, I hope it wasn't confusing.

Don't get me wrong, I liked DDK.

I'm still ambivalent about his return, if he had stayed away I don't think it would have been a big loss.

Hello crazy formatting!

For me, Connor has one moment when he's not insuffrable in

I wouldn't say Olson and co have it out for women, just based on the creator/writer comments on behind the episodes-they have an issue with families (Olson saying "all families are a cult" and basing the Margene-16 reveal ep on how much he hates family Christmas gatherings).

Yeah, compared to Nikki's (almost) arrest in DC when CaraLynn told the security guard that she had a gun in her purse…

Poor Barb?
I think most of us can agree that Barb's been put through a wringer, both this season and last, but at the same time, I think she's responsible for what's going on now as well (overlooking serious problems-Nikki's craziness, any questions she might have had about Margene's age), in order to have surrogate

Can't believe he was just winged. Did anyone else think for a moment when Bill was standing over him that he was going to shoot Alby (fatally) again?