
If you saw the preview for the next ep. Adaleen's brandishing a gun along with Bill. I think she'll take Alby out.

With all of the guns..
I'm still holding out for an Inglorious Basterds like stand-off.

I don't think they showed it, although CaraLynn mentioned it in this episode when she went to see her teacher.

I wonder if Lois isn't going to borrow one of the guns to use on herself and Frank.

@Ruphaijo. Ah-I stand corrected.

In response to Serious Poster:
I think OR appealed to me because the book broke out of that mold, somewhat. Veil (ferret) who was the son of the main villain, died trying to save one of the heroines. Speaking as an African American, the message I got from OR was that birth (ethnicity/race) didn't lead to inherent

Temporary blindness: It's a bit of the ways down.

Outcast of Redwall
Hmm seems like my original post disappeared. Anyway, OR and Muriel of Redwall were my favorites.

Outcast of Redwall
I thought OR and Mariel of Redwall were pretty good (I think it came out when I was in the fourth grade). The rest seemed pretty formulaic - the final fight scene always seemed to start with a surprise ambush by the outnumbered good guys, one of the messengers for the villain would get taken out by

I don't know. Seems the other wives are getting tired of Nicki.

^^^Perhaps the new people are from the other poly family he just met (the family of the kid who beat up Wayne).

Sgt Hatred
I remember the episode where he was trying to sell Dean and Hank on the idea of him keeping a Thai boy locked in his room to help him with his urges. Ick.

Well, probably not last rites , you can't give those to someone who's already dead can you. I'm not Catholic so I'm not sure how those things work.

Standout Scenes
On the Waterfront- Karl Malden's (Father Barry) scene in the shipping area. He goes to the docks to give last rites to a murdered worker who wanted to unionize and some of the other workers start to throw trash at him and tell him to go back to his church and he yells "this is my church!" One of my

Lady Vengeance
Also-the elementary aged school girl in Lady Vengeance who was pleading with the serial killer not to hang her. You knew it was going to happen anyway, but to see an adult actually murdering a small child on screen still affects me.

Girl Comic Fan
I'm down at the local shop on a weekly basis. I wouldn't pick this up-the art looks terrible.

I swore after Snuff I'd never read anything by Pahlaniuk again. I briefly broke my vow to try Pygmy and regretted that I did.

Who's lying on the floor in the apartment?
I don't think it's Winstone-when the camera was panning along the floor of the apt. I thought I saw a purse before it focused on the hand.

Lois and the rusted supermachete
Good gracious-for some reason I had the music that was playing in Kill Bill vol. 1 in my head when that was happening (when the Bride lops off Sophie's arm).