Norn Cutson

Your articulation of the premise is more compelling than the actual show.

"Mein Kampf" was more than 140 characters.

Also, if you are into Character-Driven shows, this is NOT the show for you.
It's ALL plot plot plot plot plot.

I watched S1, which took until Ep5 to get "good" but then flaked.
I tried to start S2, but as soon as I remembered Joanna risked everything to save "Joe", I thought of 20 other more fun and interesting things to do than be watching this turgid nothing.
Plus, if I want to watch nazis, I can just turn on the news.

This is where John Early gets to play beyond "A John Early character"; usually his characters rely on a stream-of-consciousness bullshit but this is the first time I've ever seen his character (not just in this show) called out on it and made to face consequences. That's going to help him grow as an actor and comedian.

Its interesting that we haven't heard or seen anything of Dory's family this whole time.
If they've even been mentioned, I missed it.

I am so impressed with the show that Julian has continued to be an active character, not just some 'ex".

FUN FACT: That was Emily Walton as one of Drew's sister-in-laws! I know her as the youngest Wiggins Sister from THE SHAGGS PHILOSOPHY OF THE WORLD musical, and she was FANTASTICin that! That show was ahead of it's time.
I hope she shows up again!

I paid and was proud to.
I would do it again.

Running to read now…

I can't stop thinking about HORACE & PETE; not just the show, but THE PRODUCTION and DISTRIBUTION of it!
So this post from Louis was fascinating for me!
I saw AV CLUB people complain about the $5 but I felt that was fair, and I feel that even more so now that we know that Louis is paying for it out of his own individual

So edgy.

… and it really cleaned out the nasty taste HOUSE OF CARDS left me with!

You can HEAR NBC ranting, "But where's the STRAIGHT WHITE MALE Appeal?!?!?!"


Now Lets Make KIMMY fight BROAD CITY!

Thank you for recognizing this!

Hell, Maher still makes CLINTON/LEWINSKY jokes

"She can fake exactly what a good person would say and do"
…but she would only do it as quid pro quo; "why bother being nice to someone who can't DO something for you?"

YES, exactly!
I compared him to Kevin Nealon's WEEDS character, too!