Norn Cutson

I felt PROUD of her, and previously I'd considered her a joke character.

I STILL don't understand stamps-as-currency!

I think it was a daring choice to show us the journey from TAYSTEE to TASHA, especially since Danielle Brooks was such a fan favorite in S1!

This show gives third & fourth tier characters, like Cal's fiance/bride, little moments, and that's a gift to writers, actors and viewers.
Really special.
But the moment that DID ME IN, the PAYOFF OF THE WHOLE SEASON, was when Ruiz's boyfriend was TALKING and COOING to THE BABY!!!!
THAT was the moment I EXPLODED IN

Standouts of S2 are Poussey, Gloria, Black Cindy, Gina and Leeanne.

Favorite moments are when characters mix; like Morello & Suzanne, or Nicky & Fischer, or Gloria & Norma.

One of the funniest IMAGES for me of S2 was Ms DeMarco's HAIRDO in Red's flashback, when she first entered Litchfield!
(I had to look up the character's name, I don't remember anyone referring to it, though she's in a lot of scenes)

Vee is one of the scariest villains I've ever seen; it was in that moment in the bathroom with Gloria, when she's shuckin' & jivin', playing humble, that I realized, "This woman would have me wrapped around her finger; it would be child's play for her to manipulate me."
Ive read some posts that say that her flashbacks

Ms Rosa is a perfect example of WHAT MAKES THIS SHOW DIFFERENT.
On ANY other show, she would have been reduced to a punchline; maybe something about her size, maybe she'd have 5 lines, and we'd never hear from her again.
She SURE never would have had her own STORY/AGENCY/MOTIVATIONS.
And CERTAINLY not treated with

I love that structure because it reminds me of LOVE & ROCKETS comics!

THAT was the point in the finale that I BURST INTO TEARS!!!!!

I really liked that they circled each other on the issue, never confronting, but both knowing that the other knew… and that they knew they knew…
…culminating in Polly's "I deserved that."

Sometimes you peel away a layer of evil and find…
… an even more evil layer!

We are shown in that second episode the "good" Vee did for Taystee.
Through the course of the season, she 'becomes" Tasha, and losing the "Taystee", she realizes that that Vee's "good" was completely self-serving and conditional.

I hope we see this in a future season!

The actress lost a LOT of weight between seasons, so much that it looks like she's already had the baby.

I dont think The Warden's gender has been specified…

What if she's THE WARDEN?!?!?!?!

There are still Helen Slater Lovers amongst us!

Victoria's green number with the gold POCKETS at "The Art Walk"… or was that last episode?