Jick Doke

things can only get bettaaah

we all have our crosses (& crescents) to bear



Jake like ice cream

"Rose Parade" is my personal Elliott Smith tune. a week later i'm chiming in, but everybody cares…

Choo-choo-choose to not be square!

Word. These 'recurring characters' in our lives can't help but type-cast us, and probably in turn, be assigned a certain role from our perspective.

this is why you don't appear on my sensors!

at least Leonard Part 6 of them

i'm really awaiting this. sure, sirius XMU's been playing da fuq outta this guy, and usually i hate having a heavily-favored (sponsored) artist shoved down my ear/throat, but i'm still groovin' to this feller.

" *self* "

sure there's some "downtime" spent with the local fella(s), but i thought the semi-straight-(bi? shrug— >Labels< )washing during Ozymandias' back story a bit jarring. or maybs the thought of Adrian grieving for anybody is a bit beyond how i took his far-removed character established in the original series.

glad they started the meal with veggies before the cookie party

not joking, but i thought that was Steven Spielberg via satellite?


alright, after reading some of the other comments being sweetly nostalgic & specific, i'm feelin' kinda lame. i felt those nerd-y pangs, too, dammit.

dat space chimp ep:

just gorgeous & plaintive & another song that says what i wish i could articulate.

great lil' track with no name there. i also miss the previous incarnation of his site that had a lot of neat manner of stage stuff goin' on there, with links & a collage-y interface.