Jick Doke

i'm right there, too, scratchin' mah arms & twitchin'. the things i do for it…

yeah, but it was a narrow hallway.

good analogy

but i found mah freedomm on (blue)Bunker Hill!

Ms. Jackson, if you nasty.

and wine coolers!

where's my 20-sided die?

every SNL season finale reminds me of that Great one where Hartman & Farley are on stage alone, piano keys twinkling. a fucked-up summer awaiting.

that and whatever rumor i heard about Aimee & Michael (we're friends, in my head, so i can call them by their first names) being separated were quashed!

i'm sure they're on the radio right now. if not, give it 5 minutes.

i detested Garth & Kat and his penchant for audience-nerve-testing characters, but… dammit if i didn't get wistful during his outro musical number.

Babe, babe, the popped collars woulda been perfect with VampireWeekend cameoing somehow, Babe.

Right?! i was awaiting a silent reveal, but maybs it was all a quiet detour from the (current) Baltimore-area wackiness..?

the city's lawyers would like a word with them…

also: dat drummer!

awww SNAP

or Liz's nephew- he never returned to his small town!

or watch 'Dynasty.'

i have. and i do, too.