Jick Doke

i saw the new kid there, and thought "He's goin' places!"

…and this is why i'm not going to this weekend's Anime Con. 
that, and the terms of my probation, but more the former!

then again," something something mediocrity something" -W.C.Fields

maybs seeing all this sitcom-y zaniness, it pales to the real psychopaths i've had to endure as a subordinate of.

Yah, and if CartoonNetwork picks it up, given their trend, Hannibal will continue to not be animated.

there was a bit of meta-ness, from Toby being assaulted, to the flicker of a 4th wall breaking eye-line of Ed Helms saying he's Gonna Make It to Dwight. the episode felt, throughout, like one where the cast & crew are saying their pre-goodbyes & winding down.

even her shooing away Andy's misunderstanding of her concern/pity in the parking lot was tops.

i didn't find it (the sexual assault) so much as awkward as it was hilarious the way the camera stayed on Toby a few beats too long, in his silent huddle. this may have been fan-service.

he wrote this song a long time ago … like Tupac?

Houses of the Holy?

also, Bowie song reference!

attractive, yet empty-behind-de-eyes?

"[adjective] folks!" maybs he'd direct a future ep too?

i expected some vampire-yness with this novel's title.

now i see it, can't unsee it, and sincerely, i thank you.

Kevin Spacey?

i just thinking about Chris Rock's quote that "men are only as monogamous as their options." guess i'm just the exception, story of my life, blah blah fuckin' blah

i say, goddamn fo' reo!

Fuck Wit Dre Day!

"oh, behave" i caught myself audibly uttering.