
I mean, Santana's takedown of Kurt was good except that the whole premise of "Blaine probably left because …" is stupid when Kurt's the one who broke up with Blaine. There was an easy way to frame that correctly and prey on Kurt's actual vulnerabilities about Blaine having moved on, and it didn't hit the mark for me.

I have to say, with low Glee standards in mind I more or less liked this ep. I'm not okay with trading Santana for Brittany — who never has and never will really appeal to me as a character I'm supposed to care about — but I'm sure the long hiatus and impending final season will sort things out internally and see

I agree with other people that it's hard to watch this without the shadow of Cory, although I think it was the right call to go ahead with these light-hearted eps as planned before what has to come in the third episode.