
I saw a peanut stand, heard a rubber band,
I saw a needle that winked its eye.
But I think I will have seen everything
When I see a Hitchcock blonde.

I mean, if Gravity makes more moolah than Lone Ranger (which, honestly, could happen) I'm sure they'll get the message.

The Mama monster was really unsettling; I dreaded any time I knew they were gonna show her onscreen. One of the only movie monsters in memory that were effectively scary, no matter how much you 'got used' to seeing her.

It made sense in its own wacky way. First, it's a great way to get people's attention as you open your movie. Also, the opening scene takes place on New Year's Eve 1999, which is exactly when that song was EVERYWHERE.

This is like when Fallon got his own talk show. Pulled back from the brink of obscurity at the last second.


Snoop Dogg's (Lion's?) edge is worn down to such a fine sheen that he's doing voices in a kid's cartoon. I don't wanna sound like I'm sneering, I'm really just impressed.

Saw this at a preview screening last month.

Budget: $275 million.

Today's news story brought to you by the letter 'C'.

Doot doot DEET DEET doot-doot-doot-DEET-doot-DEET

You mean "fedora case"

It's not an S, fer chrissakes!

Please don't edit this.

Please don't edit this.

I loved how tiny he seemed next to that airplane. That scene succeeded in showing that even a 'standard' Superman task like rescuing a crashing airplane is actually pretty risky.

Wonder what FunnyBot would have to say about this…

In Depends(TM) Day

When the fire starts to burn,