
Be thankful we're not in the alternate universe where they got him in STID but settled for Dan Aykroyd in Skyfall

Surprised to see someone else get twinges of sadness from the end theme.

"He's BACK!!!! He's back he's back he's back he's back!!!!!! This is more exciting than the next Matrix movies!"

You said it, man.

That's the real kicker; this film was supposed to wash away the "damage" that Returns caused, and it ends up less favorable than the "bad" one.

Hmm, so what are your symptoms?

The Producers remake of the musical of the original film with Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick.

Hey now!

Season 2. Never forget.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me something to think of every time I see this commercial from now on.

The amount of screen time a show gets on First Look is inversely proportional to how quickly it gets cancelled.

I read that the actual factual twist does indeed involve elder Smith. But it was kinda the opposite of 'he was never actually injured'.

I hrrrrd what'choo said

Toy Story 2, jabroni.

In the future we stand on snowy cliffs and toss baby penguins to their death.

Yeezus Larry and Broseph!!

So now we can all brag about having danced to a PLATINUM Aerosmith song at prom? We better call our dates and let em know.

Dammit I still get this song stuck in my head.