
When you contrast them like that it does seem a little silly.

By 'yell', do you mean 'softly sing'?

Moonster Mash would've won.

With his legion of Republican Moonsters.


That was, like, the one memorable joke in that movie, no?

You do kinda feel for the guy. Sure, he's a preening Ivy League blueblood but he's trying to give this chick the world. I got the impression he was doing it out of misplaced affection, not just because he wanted a trophy wife.

Machete Episode II: A Hack of The Bones

That would help them reign in their coveted 'dads and uncles' demographic.

That's why the crew in The River is down there; they gotta get to Machu Picchu to kill off all the giant Guinea Pigs.

Let's talk about a little flick called 'Sucker Punch'…

If The Dark Knight reigns supreme over the 'gritty, naturalistic' crowd, then surely Spider-Man 2 is king of the 'fun, comic-booky' superhero movies.

We Were Promised Jetpacks

I liked the hordes of Apple zombies running away screaming 'I'M FREE!' and presumably just getting into another line for the Samsung thing.

*cough* *cough* whoa, dude *cough*

Carson Daily in over his head.

Totally agree. Patton's usually very insightful and articulate, not to mention profound with some really unique spins on certain subjects.

I really hope this takes off. I giggle like a brain-damaged idiot every time I see that word.

You could still catch Lucas, el monstruo comegalletas, on Plasa Sesamo.

The Moonsters?