
During one scene I thought about how they're playing Lena Irish and I was fine with that.

I appreciated the mitt-less cake removal too!

…Katie McGrath has been doing an American accent?!

Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. Some junior high kids walked out but college-aged me had nothing better to do.

They're both great teasers, but the Thor: Ragnarok one was better.

That was huh, I mean it's uh very well put together and one could say entertaining.

The cell phone bit is always the bruise in the fruit when I watch that special.

This set seems to be a remix of themes from other specials: contrary stances on controversial issues, dogs, kids, parenting, extended bit on a movie, suppressing homosexuality, misanthropy, subverting dialect stereotypes… but he has new things to say about them and I laughed like a crazy person at parts.

In DC comics, Mandrakk (who bears a facial resemblance to tonight's head villain) was a space vampire who was sucking the universe dry.

I was hoping the DEO would reveal footage of Winn getting busy with himself in the museum.

I caught on to another Trump parallel stronger than the one in the review: that Rand being majority shareholder of the company is like Trump suddenly becoming President in that both are terrible, but I wouldn't center my review on that observation.

When you see a hallway in a Netflix Marvel show, you know it's about to go down. Oh wait, it's over?

Maybe we're living the start of a Twilight Zone episode where Tim Allen wakes up in 1930s Germany with a gold star on his shirt.

To pull back the curtain on my own life, I've given six lectures on the social science of race in the past two weeks and that line did not register with me at all. Looking back, any racial connotation is in-character since Danny is out-of-touch in various ways. So I'm cool with it as a thing that happened in a

Episode 2 is… still fine. Still rather watch this than The Flash. Pulling the mental hospital card in episode 2 already screams filler and contrivance as the doctor mentions the alien invasion in one sentence and doubts Danny's story in another.

I was thinking of Kimmy Schmidt and its superior version of fish-out-of-water. Maybe they considered that Captain America tread that ground in the same universe already, so they didn't want to draw that comparison and only use it for plot purposes (to their detriment).

I'm just happy there is no gong.

It's a damned if you do/don't situation. The most vocal about this issue seem to be in favor of casting more Asians, even if they are stereotypical roles.

First episode is… fine. I'd rather watch this than recent episodes of the Flash. The action fluctuates widely in quality. Young Fred Armisen is just a generic business villain so far. There's more than enough material for Buzzfeed's Top 20 Ways Iron Fist Stumbles Around Race in the first episode, whether that's a

Jamie Foxx's lines seem really flatly delivered, and not in a way that helps the movie.