
It struck me how the song is front loaded with the weakest lyrics. The rest are at least not noticeably bad.

I wonder how disappointed he is when the Stunner's recipient just flops over.

Aww our first baby president.

That was very effective acting.

That was a great one. I can see the similarity. Next time: ASL?

This episode delivered on the one thing I wanted going in: a new way for Mr. Mxyzptlk to convey his name backwards.

This is what "hoist by his own petard" means, right?

Wait, I'm warned that I should wash recyclables because companies are less inclined to pay for contaminated goods. Why doesn't that apply to email lists with a bunch of fart names?

Reminds me of when Kara and Barry went to fight Livewire and Silver Banshee and the fight took over 0 time.

To take away her rights in a DEO cell.

"You can catch us, or save these people mwahaha."
*Throws Lillian into the stratosphere, catches crane, catches Lillian."

If the Flash could vibrate the train so it phases through the rubble, wouldn't the train also phase through the ground?

In the Mosuo system, a guy gets the fulfillment you mention from being in your nieces and nephew's lives. The lines of kinship are drawn in a way that separates a father from his own kids, but it is within a larger system where ideally everyone is taken care of. The fathers seemingly have no complaints since the

Walking Contradiction.

The sons or daughters are taken care of by their network of uncles and aunts. In a matrilineal society, especially where couples are not meant to last, the fathers are considered more special guest star than main figure of the household. The brother of the mother on the other hand has a direct lasting lineal

The character with the most screen time is now Barry's navel.

I'm fine with it, despite what MadsMikkelsen (Dr. Strange villain) wrote.

Skits before or after a comedy special are the worst.

Vladimir Putin

The two have to replace some computer core before it completely malfunctions and starts venting sleeping people out the airlock. This actually happens before the core could be fixed, leaving just Pratt and Lawrence's characters on the ship. She forgives him for waking her since she would've died asleep. Having the