
I read and enjoyed the screenplay because it took some risks, such as having the hero not able to save the majority of the helpless but fulfilling the ship's mission in the very long term. The rest of the passengers dying also made the Pratt character's horrible actions earlier work out for Lawrence's character

"Yeah. He was on the show. In terms of when you say “the most famous,” I think of the Yanomami knowing them, too"

We Hate Movies makes me feel like I'm in the room having fun with a bunch of cool people.

I'm a schadenfreude connoisseur and this is an abomination.

* Ray's line about Kara makes me sad that there is an alternate universe out there where they're Superman and Supergirl on the big screen.

Went in expecting to cringe and went out with a big dumb grin.

It's a continuing of an observation from previous Supergirl reviews, and one I still disagree with. People should be rightly vigilant about racial disparity, but also be aware of false positives.

Rats, I noticed her pouting in the background but didn't see her get her drink back. Must rewatch.

He's a super man who's a cyborg? Who knows.

I'm usually good at noticing one shot versus many, but I was distracted by Chyler Leigh's background acting as she pouts over the loss of alcohol.

Was a lot of the Thanksgiving get together scene one continuous shot? From Winn and James, to Mon-El's entrance, to Kara taking the bottle from Alex, to Kara talking with her mom at the table.

Kind of not sure why Savitar didn't just wreck everyone in the area after breaking out of the ice.

It seemed like Caitlin dug herself really quickly into an inescapable villain hole, but a hug and a shady deal made everything cool again? I guess?

It's a reference to a stand-up bit by John Mulaney

The show definitely became Arrow at certain points. I can't keep all of these vigilantes-who-go-too-far straight.

I think the title is fantastic, but I just never got into the Potterverse.

I thought he was more Shadow Thief than Shade. Shade actually has a certain look, history, and personality. I'd rather throw Shadow Thief under the adaptation bus.

Who else has been crushing on Chyler Leigh since forever?

I came out of the election thinking that even the smart people in our country are kind of dumb.

Looks way better than the still pictures released so far, but not better than the many GitS movies and series already in existence.