
That's one of my family's theories about what happened. Either that, or Wilson Fisk was pulling strings behind the scenes.

It's appropriate Lester Holt was the moderator because a dude got straight up murdered up there.

I could see her thought process: "I usually dumb down my job to "blood stuff" but I'm on Jeopardy so I should use the big words. Oh no, have I been thinking a full 30 seconds!?"

I agree: the vagueness of the clue (which if I remember did not specify one female-multi male mating) meant that polygamy fit as it is any > 2 mating pattern.

He needs his Fitbit steps, duh.

If I could achieve half the happiness Supergirl got receiving instant ice cream…

He was also radiating white light.

Two of the contestants said Phuket on FJ. Even tying it to a recent world news event didn't help, somehow. We can only go up from here with Annie taking charge.

My DC spending has gone down from $40 a week in the 52 era to $3 in present day (Supergirl). It just doesn't seem like there are solid monthly stories nor a compelling master plan to follow.

I had just gone through a breakup when No Man's Sky came out so the serenity of seeing different alien landscapes and tagging animals was exactly what I needed. I would not recommend it unless either the price dropped or features are added, though.

As with a lot of machine learning, the fun is found where it fails. Having gone to Columbia means that I'm a fan of the space shuttle. My love of Apple products suggest that I love apples.

Tom Wilson is a helluvan actor. I'll only acknowledge the existence of the third BttF movie to praise his performance. His turn as live action Maniac in the Wing Commander games also left an impression on me growing up. Lately, I was very pleasantly surprised by a standup special he did.

During one magic year in college, the local arcade had, as newish games: Street Fighter Alpha 3, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, Capcom vs. SNK, and Tekken 3. I'm perfectly accepting of the fact that such a convergence of fun fighting games will never happen again. Being an idiot, I played Mortal

I'm through 1.4 or so, and the game has a loose hold on my attention. I wish the gameplay was not like a basic version of Typing of the Dead, and the models scream 3D model in how they jerkily move (and if the camera is above-the-waist, I can tell that their legs aren't animating!). I also got stuck in the Batcomputer

"It's not the years, it's the dankness."

I remember the exact moment that Alex's disappointment in this match put a little creak in his voice.

Is it just me or did the kids' D&Ds game in the first and last episodes make no sense? I had to imagine that they just had their own Calvinball D&D game going or immersion would have been lost forever.

I'm going to need a 3D reconstruction to visualize what happened.

The captain of the Bozeman was had a very boring but consistent show for ninety seasons before his guest appearance in the fledgling TNG.

Atheist here, so "Who is, um… Saint Lucy?"