
I like how he was introduced as a "strategic card game player" or something.

The reviews are really saving this movie for me. The trailers and commercials look like exactly what I don't want to see: loud dumb action. Trek has a high RT score and even people on Reddit are praising it (I'm sure plants are in there of course). I still think my idea is better: a trip to four or five different

I wonder how hard directors try to identify and subvert their own patterns. Judging by the works of the likes of Spielberg, Kubrick, and Nolan… not very hard.

I've only played the first BttF episode so it'll be new to me! mwahahaha

My video game-unaware brother actually put ESPN2 on even though I could watch it on Twitch. That's brotherly love right there. The final 8 was not overly interesting nor was it a snoozefest. I would vote LI Joe to be our next president. What a great speech after he was eliminated.

Four touchdowns in one game!

I got FJ thanks to the Ang Lee movie with Jewel.

That was just bad luck for Bonnie. A sidenote: the museum under St. Louis' Gateway Arch has many displays showing the various misspellings of Clark. To be fair, spelling was not a big deal in his time.

Only one document existed in England.

As soon as two contestants plummeted into the negative, I rubbed my hands in anticipation of reading your recap and replies.

To be fair, journalism has historically always had a lot of shit. It just takes an educated public to read between the lines and form one's own informed opinion from the rarer good stuff.

I wonder if Takei also sees this declaration as a unintended slight on his acting ability.

What is canvas? That's plausible at least.

Time to download a car

I get why this film is much more popular in China as it has the nation versus nation operatic drama that they are more in to. Special effects are less scrutinized as well, so the more obvious composites and odd movement are no deal breakers. As a Warcraft fan, the film is wall-to-wall attention to detail down to the

"Double bus," (not decker)

RIP Sally

The film did have a sense of humor: Jewel's character declares the start of a group sing-a-long and then it fades to the next scene.

She has the moxie and goofy charm that we can all root for.

Admirable piece, but the art style of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark might not have been the best choice.