
I got that reference!

It seems that this movie hit the same roadblock as the Austin Powers sequel: the first movie of each series was more focused on a theme or style. The sequels are much looser with an anything-goes philosophy of just having enough bits to fill the running time.

Alex was so proud of that question, but all the contestants and the millions at home were like "nope."

DD1: Thanks, all of the anime I've watched!

I think they started out as overwhelmingly informative talks but later met the same decline of all things that go on for too long. The moment when TED Talks jumped the shark was the one on drying your hands in the bathroom.

Our Garbage tastes are exactly the same!

A new Vagrant Story, or a remake with the gameplay issues fixed.
A new Rock Band actually happened already so check that off.
A new less buggy Rocksmith 2014 would be neat.
Final Fantasy VI remake.
New Elder Scrolls game.
Injustice 2 that is not grim dark and has fluid animation.

Wait, the name of this column isn't sarcastic?

As English grammar, something is either unique or not, but quantitatively, you can be measurable units away from being completely different from anything else, eg. uniqueness. That's just me talking out my butt.

I learned that bison is the one true name, but it looks like 'buffalo' has won the common name war as an acceptable alternative to bison.

Oh, hi, nightmares scrolling on mobile.

I was pleased that anthropology got another time to shine. Too bad yesterday's anthropology student (?) missed being here for it.

That slow zoom into her face before Alex mentioned heterochrony was a very unnerving Hitchcock-esque shot.

She started strong by saying that she saw a lot of variation, then my ears went numb with cringe and I missed what she actually said, just gathering that sex was involved.

Settled on "What is soccer?," which is silly in hindsight. Rowing did cross my mind as an old-timey college sport. Wasn't it a part of Catcher in the Rye? Anyway, also ruled out wrestling since it went back way earlier than the Middle Ages.

She had guts and was completely right: that the answer is a peninsula is implied by the question she obviously has the right geographic region in mind. She left in an unaired segment, correct? I blinked and she was gone.

Instead of 500 Questions, I watched the National Geographic Bee. That contest had some tense barrages of questions.

His phrases have that psychology property where you can map any emotion or intent to them.

That series was predominantly written by John Rogers, who also had a large role in the Leverage and The Librarians TV series. He knows fun adventure.

Gary Frank has a lot of artistic skill, but man do his faces look weird to me. They always looked wide-eyed happy, but when the character is supposed to be wide-eyed happy, as Ted Kord was at the end of the scene, it turns all the way around to terrifying.