
Let's chastise Reebok so they can take more of our money in exchange for products we don't need.

The video for Gett Off was what started puberty for me. I was like Spock going through V'ger or Dave going through the Star Gate.

Around the original 52 era, I was spending around $60 a week on comics. Mostly DC, but some Marvel and others, including Invincible. Now, it's around $25 a month and I only consistently get Batgirl, Ms. Marvel, and Transformers vs. GI Joe. Even the first too have gotten dull with their storylines (TvG is still a

Have I taken a picture of my Mii wearing the pea costume with the caption "This outfit highlights my pea-ness?" Maybe.

Should've been "Zeus and… eus?" At least ride out the wrong answer to the end.

I hear there's some Twitter uproar over Jay Garrick's portrayal since he has always been super virtuous and heroic. It must be some giant baby being very upse—- holy shit, Mark Waid?! Jay's a fictional character and the season isn't done, geez.

The beatdown Matt got from Kingpin was what finally stretched my credulity for the physical violence. Matt should have no face at the end of that.

Must be a deleted scene dropped for time, right? Hopefully the DVD will have forty minutes of Barry telling Cisco everything.

And to think, he didn't even seem to be awake in the first half of his debut match. He's definitely warmed up now.

I think you're right!

That's a good point.

Instead of the weird effect, they could have shown the ship, then a shot of Alex in the cockpit to get the message across.

I think this show: the DCEU movie would have had Alex kill her mother, then snap out of it.

It's a blue glow, so an Amazon Echo?

So did Supergirl blast Non so hard in the head that he turns into a mindless brute?

His boots on the hospital bed, though. They should've had them sticking out from under a ton of rubble.

Benoist's performance should and will be in the record book of superhero performances.

That was humorously acknowledged in the episode when one of the group objected that another scoffed at the idea of past lives. 'Asian' as a race is a western concept that doesn't have much currency on that continent.

muh muh muh multi-poo!

The quick and neat resolution was very strawmany, but I did had some laughs with that plot line. I think the revelation that most of the crowd doesn't even speak Japanese or have the background to appreciate it would have been more impactful to the point they were making while still being sharp.