
There is no doubt that the people who call the shots in U.S. media are very white and white-oriented. But, I don't think casting an Asian actress as Major Kusanagi matters an iota in getting more minority representation in the media. Needing an Asian actress is a token skin-deep change, which is the exact opposite way

Funny, and accurate from an anthropological perspective.

The episode hit the sweet spot of landing when Tilda Swinton, Scarlett Johansson, and … some guy… became the targets of outrage for playing roles previously given to Asians. Maybe the people claiming offense are the ones who see race as an insurmountable us versus them. Maybe, as my parents opined, Asian TV and cinema

Yes! I was so confused by the Supergirl saving 2 of 3 people scene. RIP that one person. I knew the episode was just setting up for the finale, but seeing Alex as katana Iron Man was cool.

That category was bananas. Giving the two full names seems like a lot to ask for the average Jeopardy response.

I thought the gesture was sarcastic… it looked sarcastic… until I remembered his occupation

This is "my" FF game since it was the first one new to me when I got into gaming. It's riddled with flaws in characterization, weird plot lines, dropped plot lines, the magic and summon systems, but man do I love it. Also, Quistis basically jumpstarted all of my fetishes.

Yeah, if the Punisher killed my bud, I’m not going to that funeral.

I like your interpretation.

Turn on audio descriptions and it is even more amazing.

I forgot that Kryptonians are weak against kryptonite, magic, and punches.

TFA beats the other Star Wars films in acting for sure. Excellent performances all around.

I give it points for being in-character and well delivered.

Benoist was 'overacting' in that she doesn't usually make that choice, but it worked so well seeing her flip out over instant ice cream.

A very enjoyable episode with a few weird spots.

"Subtly." The wall-to-wall homages in the first third of the film got very distracting. The homages got less frequent later on so that is was not front-and-center, but it kicked up again for the climax. They didn't sink the film, but they stuck out as something that pulled me away from the good stuff.

And later in the same series, the Joker has to wring his own neck since Batman won't finish him off. It's as if TDKR is just a series of things happening instead of a cohesive plot.

Those all-American Midwestern values of "How about not helping? It's easier."

I didn't think of Bambi in my mental rolodex of children's book characters associated with forests. Brain cell after the reveal: "Bambi was a book?!"

Time for Karen Page's regularly scheduled kidnapping.