
Well I'll be, that checks out.

It's a reference to a standup bit.

• *squints* "Dean Cain? Is that fuckin' Dean Cain?!"
• Ah yes, the famous eucalyptus forests of Peru.
• That albino python would've died so fast in the wild.
• What did the military truck drivers do to get themselves led away in cuffs after the heist?

I promised a friend early on that there has to be Chocos at some point but I've been worrying as the episodes ticked down.

Whenever someone mentions "the incident" I have no idea what they're talking about. AV Club has to set me straight every time.

They were some that were blatant, such as when DD catches a guy above him on the stairwell with the chain and it cuts to a new take before DD pulls him down

I can't say it looks more fake than the Hobbit movies and it's about the fun, not the photorealism. Looks fun.

I googled: Oglethorpe University math professor. He has a doctorate.

I think Philip's sweater was the real champ.

I bet Hank regrets not installing a toilet in that prison cell.

To take these limitations to the extreme, writers can only write about their own selves at the moment they are actively writing.

I also don't get the stance that people should be limited in what issues they can address because they aren't personally involved. Speaking about things outside the self is the foundation of many of the sciences. I'll agree with the point that a non-whatever person cannot truly understand what it means to be whatever,

It was so easy that I immediately discounted it. "So, who else except Columbus would be right?"

Whenever there is a tense FJ, there is always one lone male voice seemingly from the audience that goes "whoa!" Who is that guy?!

Last half of the trailer showed me way too much. Jeez, don't tell me twisty plot stuff!

That hit me as well: the minority is the one with street experience so she gets a job with the academics. Youch.

Yeah, super-easy… >_>

They should just call in the Flash

I feel really ripped off, as much as being a passive consumer of media can be, I suppose. The opening was so slow and non-sensical. No matter what the explanation (fantasy? dream?), sheet after sheet of X-Files promo photos with Scully's narration wrecked the verisimilitude. Throughout the hour, there were little

As someone with the same occupation as you, I see the same things you wrote about. I left MU right before Ferguson happened. The following year had some fairly well publicized student protests, including a hunger strike and a strike by the football team. While I completely agree that there is racial inequality that