
Most of the album is really good (except Warm Blood, ech), and this song in particular is wonderful. The video is enchanting as well. While I wish she had more commercial success, the fewer people buy her album, the less guilty a pleasure it is.

I'm in this camp. As with the Deadpool movie: didn't laugh, so 100% comics accurate. B+

It hit me in the "Coordinates to a place" panel. That is a distractingly red nose.

I ship no one. Not every duo has to be a romantic couple.

Foster was also Yoko… er, Coco on Flight of the Conchords.

If there's even a one percent chance this movie is good, I'll have to watch it in a theater.

This was a rough game for all three contestants even though it was not that difficult. Niki is going to eat Sam for lunch.

Regarding Alex's speech in faux Krypton: one sentence said that people are defined by pain, and the next sentence implored Supergirl to ease others' pain. Um….

She makes an old Bear like me proud. Beat that Cardinal scum!

Engraved genital piercing?

Grandmothers loooove chest tattoos

Basically the same book.

Maybe those were his fade-away particles.

But he's hawking Samsung Pay so I can't watch on moral grounds.

Letting dead Vandal somehow get away bugged me as well. I guess they can make it so he fades away on death only to reappear at a secret location to live again. That would avoid any of the easy solutions others here have come up with to beat him.

I have a friend on Twitter who took umbrage at the presentation of the trans character. I can see their point that it's a worn and deprecating stereotype, but I'm with the reviewer in saying that the joke is on Mulder's view of gender and his bungled attempt to explain it to a monster.

Around the 3/4 mark, I almost disliked the episode for being -too- funny. Their were a few gags that fell flat for me (I would've cut from the porn scenario before seeing actual humping) but there were a cornucopia of bits that worked.

If I could nitpick, there is one shot that I always notice: one of the cars hits something right in front of the camera and they cut to the same shot without the car there as if the car ricocheted away at light speed.

Scully's fantasy seemed so plain, at least Mulders' had some character. Also, as my astute brother pointed out, 2001 also used a high pitched noise as a plot device.

Ah yes, with the classic flashback gag as well.