
I switched to this when X-Files went to commercial, and saw only the Cat scenes. Good thing I can watch it online.

I've enjoyed both episodes so far but I can't shake the Austin Powers/Brady Bunch movie fish-out-of-water vibe. It's Mulder and Scully… in the 2010s! There's smartphones and Obama and Uber! Still no GoPros, though.

I feel like a right sucker for clicking on this article.


Great series and good episode, but the climax seemed a bit underwhelming. The final confrontation took place with a small crowd of random people on a dock, which was noticeably small scale considering that a whole rock concert of people was teased previously.

RIP another Jeff Parker joint. He just wants an ensemble time and space hopping adventure, dammit (see also Exiles #1-6). Unlike the review, I thought the art was distractingly terrible with a style that is a weird mix of caricature-y and sketchy. DC is really shooting itself in the foot of its trade market if runs

It was an okay episode, but some of the jump cuts during the fight sequences were wildly disjointed. There is a 'right' way to jump cut a fight (though still inferior to taking the time to tell a story in the actions), but this episode did it completely the wrong way with a blast of positional continuity errors.

My brother and I both right after the helicopter bit: "that chopper is going down!"

It's really smart how they made Kilgrave's manipulation all-encompassing instead of just comic powers based.

Well, it -is- an army of ninjas.

Benoist is pretty much the iconic live action Supergirl, embodying the character somewhere between Keaton with Batman and Simmons' J. Jonah Jameson (a ridiculous bar for anyone to reach).

I had the same feeling seeing that shot as when Thor just lifts off with his hammer in the background of The Avengers. No big deal: we'll get our real spectacles.

Bugs Bunny's tunnel, Tasmanian Devil's tornado… the WB cross promotion is strong in this episode. Despicable!

They said that Red Tornado became sentient right before Supergirl vaporized him. So, did she technically kill somebody? Discuss.