radioactive badger

He was at the same orientation meetings, so it's safe to assume that he's just better at paying attention to his surroundings.

This is the least inspiring headline since that one involving that one band with that sweet Laurel Canyon sound.

Generally I'm a beer drinker with the occasional whisky (something cheap like Old Crow). If I really want to party that means Russian vodka.

Slight tangent: I realized the other day that Roger and Don from Mad Men don't drink American liquor. Don drinks rye from Canada and Roger drinks Stoli, which is interesting because peak TV has also been defined as all Bourbon everything.

For some reason season 2 is the only one I own, so I've become bit of a defender of it. It's nowhere near as tight as season one and also features coma baby but also features some really good exploration of Neptune's dynamics, maybe even better than the previous season.

It was a pretty decent show (from what I can remember, though maybe not Wire-worthy). Has Danson ever been on a shitty series?

To continue the analogy: it seems to be less of a question of her being an alcoholic, as it is a question of whether she was roofied.

You might understand the word twee but not the show. There's honestly nothing twee about it or more twee than shows like Brooklyn 99, which is a very old-fashioned square show.

as evidenced by any thread about her on reddit.

The Mary Sue thing is 100% incorrect because Mary Sue is a wish-fulfillment proxy of the author (ie James Bond), and not "female who can do something other than making a redditor a sandwich."

I used the line in the other review and to get it straight I had to watch the Community clip. I ended up watching almost an hour's worth of 90 second clips.

AVC: What the experience of working with Paul Newman like?

"They said market price. WHAT MARKET ARE YOU SHOPPING AT?"

Dissing Stein for showing up to the Dakotas protest came waaaaaaaaaaay too close to dissing the protests themselves. The protests don't affect her life, so she obviously doesn't give a shit about it.

Yeah, they're both spoiled trust fund kids. He's just not aggressively pathetic about it.

There was an old AVC Q&A where Noel Murray recommended these earbuds that were pretty cheap, and that's pretty much all I've been using since. The newer models are a bit more expensive, but last longer. They're really comfortable and have good sound.

And people complained about all the TV Club! Vanderwerff got some incredibly nasty shit thrown his way because people were accusing him of ruining the AVC and driving off all the Film people.

poor you

urbandictionary is simply the rookie ball version of the OED. Webster's is the AAA team.

It's not even on the west coast except for one location in Hollywood. One of their Vegas locations is in a hotel called the New York New York. It's a burger with a Yankees cap on.