radioactive badger

Dylan has both plus his recent Nobel win. But he doesn't have an Emmy nor a Tony.

It's absolutely laughable that you're the one saying this. You have absolutely no ground to stand upon as your absolutely reprehensible commenting history easily shows.

Polish nationalism is exceptionally odious and a whole topic of its own. It doesn't reek as bad as Hungarian nationalism, which is bad it's infested global politics.

That was much more related to WWII politics and not Wilson's and less of wiping out but relocation, as minorities from various countries were moved back to their home nations.I have a friend who's ethnically Slovak but his family was living in Bulgaria and they were moved back to Slovakia following the war. Even

No, it really was that bad. There's a reason why Andrew Jackson was rated as not so awful. Plus, after the war we have two consecutive alcoholics followed a little later by a teetotaler straight up stealing an election.

go back in time and comment on the av club ten years ago?

Not to be too pedantic, but the AVC isn't as contrarian as it is hardass (*cough*Slate*cough*). There aren't too many examples of it celebrating what most others dismiss as garbage.

he's not a liberal. He's a libertarian who's said that he would identify Republican if the social con Republicans would let him.

he also always equates muslim=Arab ignoring Indians, Indonesians and Malays. He's just transferring the old idea of Christendom to the ME and Islam, which is pretty racist.

you can at least paste one that has more than one like.

It's pretty depressing, since with two world wars, civil war, labor camps, mass relocation, several big famines and a nuclear disaster the USSR was a vast orphan-making system

Has anyone run a polygraph during sex? I'd imagine the results would be all over the place (phrasing!).

I like it that Peyton's character is the same race as Senor Chang's on Community.

Iran is nowhere near on Saudi Arabia's level. Women can drive, vote and wear pants in public and never have to ask for a man's say-so.

Dead on. But I think Stewart was banking on animation, so that he wouldn't have to leave his farm.

But Major is an ex-zombie human which seems to be its own class.

Now, you're just naming random crushes.

Again, physique of a small child. I'm sure he's ever been near a gym. I don't like Cook, but he's a much better pick than others that have been mentioned.

No offense but horrible choices. Remember, Robbie owns a gym and constantly works out. Everyone you mentioned either has permanent Guinness gut or the physique of a small child.

just living, man, l-i-v-i-n