Yeah, I get it, I'm not sure why you're yelling when I'm clearly not outraged, just annoyed.
Yeah, I get it, I'm not sure why you're yelling when I'm clearly not outraged, just annoyed.
I mean, depends upon the person and their level of risk acceptance. The solution is definitely not "stay home, ignore the news, eat cake".
Ugh. It's one of those "means well, is useless when applied so universally" things.
Demonstrations done by Nazis are violence just by existing, though. They do violence to the people they want to see killed. We can't just ignore it or protest somewhere far away.
Well said, I think so too.
Yeah, I get it too. Just saying why people are frustrated with it.
Read up on what white feminism is.
I mean, they ARE dangerous and we DO need to fight them. These are people who, if they had their way, would eliminate entire populations…and they have the ear, respect, and backing of those in the highest offices of power in the country. I get wanting to just laugh at them and I agree we should mock them, but we also…
People seem to REALLY want to believe that Nazis are reasonable. I don't know why.
Me too! I lost my monocle.
I mean, as someone who has watched potential allies be outright abusive, we sometimes HAVE to be choosy.
People just aren't very fondant of her argument.
My opinion is any ally that would stop being one because people weren't constantly nice to them was never an ally in the first place.
Well, to be fair, she has a history of some white feminism. I bet people are tired of her seeming to never listen and learn.
I think people aren't outraged so much as they are annoyed and tired of this ultimately dismissive attitude to their actual outrage. This happens every time there's a major incident like this, and while I know I'm not a member of oppressed group based on racism, as a member of other oppressed groups, it gets really…
I'm with the people annoyed with her. The last thing we need to do is encourage white people to keep burying their heads in the sand (or cake) and not actually DO anything. This really is white feminism at it's most useless.
No, cvnts are useful. He's more of a taint.
He clearly already has that.
I hope you're right.
That's what my boyfriend said last night.