
Kanye West is black?

I can't believe Ayesha A Siddiqi wasted a race card on Kanye West surely there's some actual racism happening somewhere

Nah saying George Bush doesn't care about black people is like saying pizza is awesome

Have you seen 'As Tears Go By'?. That one kills me, might even prefer it to ITMFL

You didn't see it but after i read this i did the most epic eye roll.

It's still a great record tho.

Peter Guralnick's 'Lost Highway: Journeys and Arrivals of American Musicians' has a chapter on Clement, and it is a fascinating, and very funny read. He was a real eccentric.

When i think noir-pop i think Stan Ridgeway.

I knew this comment section would be amazing.

It's a beautiful piece of work definitely read it. It will make you want to wear check shirts and eat tortillas all day so be ready for that.

I started with it i got it as part of The Borderland Trilogy and is the only part of that weighty trilogy i have consumed. I wish i read it on it's own though because now the other 500 pages sit there on the shelf mocking my unwillingness to read more elegant descriptions of the desert. 

Leftover Cuties is a self described soda pop beverage left rusting by the highway just outside of Los Angeles*

Are those kids who really liked Nirvana?

Fabulous Diamonds
Eddy Current Suppression Ring
Woolen Kits

Stan Bush should be legally contracted to provide songs for every JCVD movie.

I believe it's called, cocaine.

Kanye writing 'Run This Town'

Did you guys hear 'Maron' starts tonight on IFC?

She's like a hippy without any of the nauseating optimism that comes being a hippy

You had me at "homage to Gun Crazy"